Chapter 34

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I roll over to the side as I open my eyes. I remove the bed cover and walk to the bathroom. I brush my teeth in front of the mirror. I need to get my mother ready for our date. I decided to show my mom appreciation. She has been there for me since the beginning of all of this and has now stopped her plans for the restaurant to make sure I'm okay. I head downstairs to make her breakfast. I asked my dad to not tell my mother anything about the surprise I planned so I guess that's why he left early. I lay everything neatly on the tray. I made her pancakes, eggs, sausages, bacon and a fruit salad with plain yogurt. I also made her black coffee just the way she loves it and orange juice in case she doesn't want coffee. I hope she loves this. I walk slowly to her room and find her sleeping. I put the tray on the nightstand and walk in her closet to pick her outfit for the day. I decided on a floral summer dress with nude sandals. I put the dress and shoes on the chair so she can see them. I see her stir on the bed and giggle. I should probably scare her. I tip toe towards her and jump on the bed.


She jolts up from the bed and I almost fall because of the way she pulled onto the blankets. I fall on my back on the bed and my laugh fills the room. I didn't expect to be so scared.

"I thought that I was going to die. Don't make me die so young." she says as she calms herself down.

I laugh harder. I should do that with my dad next time.

"We have an exciting day ahead of us. I want to take you out because you have been taking care of me and dad. Mostly me, which has been stressful. Plus we haven't spent quality time together. So I want to treat you to a day where you have nothing to worry about."

" Sweetie... You don't have to do that." my mom says with tears filling her eyes.

" Mom. I want to do this for you and I'm not taking no for an answer. If I have to drag you out of this bed I will."

" Okay Ayisha. That's so sweet of you. So what do I need to do?" she asks with a bright smile on her face.

"We have an early appointment at the spa. So there is no time for chit chat. You just enjoy the breakfast that I made for you and take a shower. I have already chose your outfit and, I'll do your makeup and hair."

"Wow... I'm seriously being pampered today. Did you do something illegal?"

"No I didn't... I don't think there is anything wrong with spoiling my mother. Now I need you to eat your breakfast and I'll be back once I'm done getting myself ready." I giggle.

Once I give my mom the tray filled with food. I head to the kitchen to clean the mess I made while making the breakfast. I don't take a long time in the shower. I step out and cover my body with a towel. I walk to my bedroom and quickly make my bed. I mentally make a list on what we are going to do for the day. I get into my light blue summer dress and black sandals. I dry my hair and style into a high bun with curls on the sides. I put on simple makeup that's blue eyeshadow and glitter, mascara and pink lip gloss. I take a look at myself in the mirror and smile. I look hot. I take my makeup bag and rush to my mom's room. I find her standing in front of the mirror busy soothing her dress out. She looks amazing even though I haven't done her makeup yet. I sit her down on the bed and proceed with completing her look. I decide to also go for a natural makeup for her with a dark maroon lipstick.

We finally get into my car after an hour of taking pictures with my camera. I'll print some of them out and put them in picture frames for mother's day next year. We both leave our phones at home. I drive us safely to her favorite spa. The spa isn't far from our house and in a few minutes my car is parked in front of it. We walk inside together and the receptionist tells us what to do after she confirms our booking.

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