Chapter 24

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Adam POV

A few hours before the club...

"I think that's enough for today." Dylan says.

I get a bottle of water to wet my dry throat. It feels so good to be at the boxing gym today. I only get to come here twice a week because I have basketball practice on the other days. I needed to take all the anger I had inside of me. I'm seriously going to loose my shit soon. Mark needs to fucken go. I don't know how I'll get to do that since we living in his house. The past ten years of my life have been shit because of him and he needs to pay. I'm not thinking murder even though I want to do it. I won't do it. He just needs to be throught a lesson, that's all. He beats my mom up like she's a punching bag. I know it's killing her emotionally because of the things I know he says to her sometimes. I found her with bruises when I came back from the lake house with Ayisha and the others. I feel so guilty that I wasn't there to help my mother out. I pray each day that he doesn't lay a hand on Skylar because that will be his death wish. I wipe the sweat off my face and pack my stuff. I need to get home before that bastard does. I'm about to walk out of the door when a voice stops me.

"Adam, wait." Dylan yells.

"Yeah, what do you need?"

"Nothing... I just wanted to know if everything is okay with you."

"I'm fine."

"I know you not."

"Why do you care?"

"I care because I was once like you. Don't let anger consume you."

"Are you done?"

"Yeah I'm done... Here take these keys. If you ever feel like killing someone, you can come here and kill a punching bag instead."

I take the keys and walk out of the gym. I get into my car and get home after thirty minutes. I'm glad to not find his car here. I take my gym bag along with my school backpack and walk into the house. Skylar immediately comes running to me with arms open wide and a smile. She's seriously going to be the death of me. I bend down until I'm her height and she runs into my arms.

"You are finally home." she mumbles.

I chuckle and walk with her into the kitchen to find my mom cooking dinner. She never disappoints with her food. I don't understand why that fuck face thinks so. Always saying:

This is undercooked!

Why is there hair in my food?

This tastes like garbage!

You are a pathetic cook.

My ex would do better than this!

The list could go on for hours. I just want my mom and sister to have a better life than this. They deserve better and I'll make sure of it.

"Hey mom." I greet and place Skylar on the counter.

"Hello Addy. You home early."

"I had to be here."

"Adam I'm fine now. Don't worry about me."

She always says this.

"Well I have to protect you and Skylar."

"What is protect?" Skylar asks.

"It's when you don't want anything bad to happen to someone you care about, so you make sure to keep them safe." my mom answers.

The words I wish I never said Where stories live. Discover now