Chapter 9

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The rest of the day is spent with my parents. We talk and laugh but dad had to leave after a few hours to take care of business. My mom and I made sure to not let a word out about the threats to him. I could see it in my eyes that my mother wanted to tell him but we have to keep him safe. The nurses have come in and out of the room to change my drip or bring me food. I have always hated hospital food. It taste so terrible. I just try and eat some of the food while my mom tells me on the progress of the restaurant and how she is so excited to make her dream come true. She also tells me about the people who have come to visit me while I was sleeping beauty for two days. Ryan came with flowers and balloons. Emma came as well with ice-cream and ate it next to me while crying her eyes out. Ethan came along to comfort her but she just swear him a couple of times. I guess she is still angry with what he did. Adam came most of the time to check up on me and Sky came with a stuffed teddy bear for me. Chloe came as well. I'm happy that everyone who I care about also cares for me. I can't help myself but think about Adam. Mom told me that he knows that I was poisoned and the other don't. Its great that less people know about it because I can't trust everyone. I'm sure he didn't take the situation that well. I know how he gets and I hope that he doesn't blame himself. I'm sure he's doing his best to find out the truth and won't stop until he does. I just really hope he doesn't get too aggressive with people because that's not good for anyone close to him. He ends up pushing people away. I miss him.

"Did Adam come today?" I ask.

"Yes he did. The boy does miss you but he said that he'll come back later on."

"Okay... I hope he's okay. He didn't-" I'm interrupt by the door opening. A man who look like he's in his late 40's steps inside. He has a clipboard and a white coat. Yes that is definitely the doctor.

"You are finally awake." he says with a huge smile on his face.

"Yes and thank you for saving my life"

"It's my job but you should be thanking your boyfriend, if he didn't come here on time. We would be talking about something different"

I sigh.

"So it looks like you are responding well to the medicine. but we will give something for you to take home. You shouldn't work too much so meaning no sports for the next two weeks."

I hope my volleyball coach doesn't kick me off the team for not coming to practice. I do miss being at school but I'm scared for my safety. I probably ate the poison at school. I should always pack lunch every morning now to be safe. I can't trust everyone at school. This might be Brianna's doings. She wants me dead so that she can take Adam to herself. When will she stop? It probably won't be her but we'll never know. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I miss being in my room. I feel like this hospital room is making me feel worse. I miss seeing the purple walls and my wall which is filled with pictures I took. I miss seeing the fairy lights that hang on the ceiling.

"So when will I be able to go home?" I ask

I can't stand it anymore. I'm missing my comfy bed and pillows. The doctor looks through my file for a while and he finally answers.

"Well it seems as if you are getting better. You can leave tomorrow but you will have to come once a week for check ups for the next 3 weeks"

Oh yes I will be sleeping in my bed tomorrow. Mommy is coming home to sleep on you. I do a little victory dance in my head. I just want my queen sized bed,sitting on this hard bed is making my butt feel flat. I think it's obvious that I don't like hospitals.

"When will she be able to go back to school?" my mom asks.

"She can go back next week but she shouldn't stress herself too much and focus on healing."

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