Chapter 23

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My mother has decided to visit my aunt for the week. My aunt has been feeling sick for a while and has been admitted at the hospital. So my mom wanted to be there for her. It sucks because I miss her. I'm left with my dad and he's mostly busy because of the new project the construction company is working on but he does make sure he's home early to eat dinner and watch some movies with me. I just got home from school and my body is aching and tired. I barely got any chance to sleep the previous night because I'm afraid to sleep. The same dream I had at the lake house just keeps repeating itself. It's frustrating.

My dad is currently fetching some old videos of me from the storage room. He decided to make fun of me with everything I did when I was little.

"Princess." a voice speaks.

"Yes." my head snaps to my dad who has a panicked look on his face.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

Oh my goodness... Please don't tell me my stalker didn't decide to make an appearance with the creepy messages.

"I have to leave for a few hours. There's a problem at the constitution site."

I release a deep breathe. I didn't realise that I was holding my breathe for so long.

"What happened?"

"I don't know but it sounds bad. You going to be okay, right?"

"Can I come with you?" my mouth speaks before I can even think.

I don't want to stay alone. What if someone comes and hurts me or worse kill me. I don't want my life to end just like that. I haven't gone to college or enjoying my responsibilities as an adult. Maybe I won't enjoy that as much. I don't want dad to leave me alone. I'm scared actually terrified. The person already knows where I live, where I go to school, who my parents are, my friends and probably everything in my life. This year is suppose to be filled with joyful moments but it's not so far,everything is just bullshit and I know it's going to get worse at some point.

"Ayisha." my dad's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.


"I've been calling you for the pass five minutes. I'm sorry princess but you can't come with me. You look tired and you have school work to complete I assume. So you need to stay here and do it. You are almost done with high school so you need the time to study. I'll only be gone for a few hours."

Thank you dad but the problem is that I don't know if I'll see that day. I have a target on my back according to someone's eyes.

" but dad I promise I won't do anything. I'll stay by your side the whole time and I'll be quite as a mouse. Please don't leave me here alone." I plead.

"You have never been scared to be home alone. What's wrong?"

I can't tell you dad.

"I'll stay here." I mumble.

"But you just said that you don't want to. Is there something that I need to know?"

"Its fine dad. I have work to do anyway."

I stand up from the couch and make my way to the my room upstairs. After a few minutes I hear the front door close and I sigh. My body stumbles onto the bed and I bury my face into the pillow. I didn't mean to sound rude. I feel guilty for talking to him like that. I search for my phone on the bed and grab a hold of it to text 'I'm sorry' to my dad. I end up deciding to call my mom and she answers immediately.

"Is everything okay?" her voice speaks on the other side.

"Yes, everything is okay. I just really miss you mom."

The words I wish I never said Where stories live. Discover now