Chapter 43

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Adam POV

I sigh before turning to Skylar. She's sleeping in a weird position. Her one leg and arm are hanging off the couch. How does she even sleep like that? I carry her to her bedroom and tuck her in the blankets before kissing her forehead.

My mom should be home in an hour.

I decided to take a shower to pass time and I spend a good thirty minutes in there before walking into my room to Ayisha a text.

*I'll be there in about thirty minutes.*

*Alright. I don't want to spend a long time here.*

*I'll see you soon ❤️*

*I'll see you soon. ❤️* I type back.

I get dressed into dark jeans, white shirt and a leather jacket with sneakers. I let my hand go through my hair a couple of times before grabbing my phone when I hear the front door close. I walk downstairs to find my mom in the kitchen drinking water.

"Hey mom." I say.

"Hello, are you leaving already?"

"Yeah... Skylar is already in bed and I cooked dinner."

"Thank you... you're the best." She says before kissing my cheek.

"I got to go... I'll be home after midnight." I kiss her back on the cheek.

"Be safe."

"I will." I smile.

I walk out of our home to my car. The drive to the party isn't long and in no time I park my car. I make sure to lock it before walking to the loud house. I could hear the music from two streets away. As I get closer to the house, there are already people in front of the house with cup and some have passed out on the lawn. As I walk through the house almost everyone greets me. I give them a simple nod before my eyes search for Ayisha or Ethan. I find Ethan in the backyard with Emily on his lap and some of our team mates.

"BRO!!!" Ethan shouts.

I chuckle and walk towards the group. I greet everyone and immediately someone offer me a drink. The liquid burns my throat and I cough a little.

"What the hell did you guys put in here?" I ask.

"Gin and some vodka."

"You guys are crazy." I mumble before gulping down the rest of the drink.

They continue to talk about stuff and I join in when I feel like it. My eyes scan the backyard for Ayisha. Where is she? I sigh and ask for another drink. I feel like I'm going to need it for whatever we going to talk about. I finish my drink before burping a little.

"Did you guys see that fight though? Ayisha is a bad ass." A guy suddenly says.

Ayisha got into a fight? With who?

"Your girl has a good hook by the way. Chloe should've seen it coming."

What?! She fought with Chloe?

"Nah man... I think Chloe is a good fighter." Another guy says.

"When did this happen?" I turn to Ethan and Emily.

"We don't know exactly. We saw Ayisha on top of Chloe throwing some good punches on her face. Ryan carried her out. I didn't know my best friend could fight like that." Emily answers.

"Is she hurt?"

"Not really... just a cut on her lip and some painful knuckles." Ethan says.

"I should probably go check on her."

The words I wish I never said Where stories live. Discover now