Chapter 35

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I'm getting ready for my date with Adam. I still don't have a clue where he's taking me. Emma helped me pick my dress for tonight during the day. I don't know what to say about Chloe because we haven't talked that much. I don't like this distance between us. I really do miss her. I guess I'll try to call her later. I take a deep breath and exhale. Adam is going to be here in about thirty minutes. I finish the make up and put the dress on. It's white and strapless. The dress does show off my curves and is mid thigh. It is very tight. I tie my hair into a high ponytail and a bang. I put on my leather jacket and take my small purse. I hurry downstairs with my nude heels in my hand. Adam will be here in any minute. I find my mom downstairs with a huge smile on her face. I give her a small smile back before I put on my heels.

"You look so beautiful." she says.

"Thanks... You don't think it's too much?"

"No sweetie... It's perfect. Adam will be drooling all over the floor." she smiles and winks.

I giggle.

"He's already here by the way..."

My eyes widen and walk towards the front door. I hear my dad and Adam mumbling to each other. I clear my throat and they both snap their heads towards me. My dad eyes my outfit and I silently pray he doesn't make me change. My eyes glance at Adam and find him holding a bouquet of flowers. He looks handsome. He's wearing dark jeans with a white button shirt. His hair is messy like it always is. The white shirt does really make his blue eyes lighten up. His eyes look at me from head to toe and there's that boyish smirk that he always has when he has naughty thoughts about me. My cheeks are probably red like a tomato.

"You better be home by ten." my dad states.

My eyes quickly look at my dad and I nod. I walk toward Adam and he kisses my cheek.

"You look stunning." he whispers.

"Well thank you. You don't look bad yourself."

He hands me the flowers and smell good. I give the flowers to my mom and say that she'll put them into the water before grabbing my dad and closing the door. Adam hold his hand out for me to take it.

"Shall we go? Before we get late for the reservation."

I take his hand and he takes the lead to the car. He opens the passenger door for me. He can be such a gentleman at times. He gets into the car and puts on his seat belt. The car engine comes to life and drive under the stars. We haven't spend much time together or talk at school this week. He's been busy with basketball because they'll be playing in the semi finals soon. The car ride is silent, it isn't awkward but comforting. I really wish I could tell him about the threats but I know I can't. I don't want to stress him out.

"What are you thinking about?" Adam asks.

"Nothing much." I mumble.

He smiles before placing his hand on my thigh.

"I don't know if I'll be able to handle myself."

"Why do you say that?"

"With a dress like that... I'm trying so hard not to stop the car right now to make love to you."

"I'm trying to do the same thing." I giggle.

"I'll do my best to behave but I'm not promising anything." he says quietly.

I smile and look out the window. The city looks beautiful at night time. We get to the restaurant and I realise it's a really expensive restaurant. Wow Adam has went all out for this. I know this isn't his type of dates for us to have but it's nice that he getting out of his comfort zone to make things special for me. He opens the door for me once we done parking. We walk hand in hand to the entrance of the restaurant. It's windy tonight and I'm glad that I got to wear my leather jacket. A girl dressed in the restaurant uniform is who we see first when we enter the doors. She has over applied the makeup and her boobs are practically hanging out of her shirt. I stand closer to Adam and his arm goes around my waist. I don't care that she's older than him but I can see that she is the flirting type. The waiter leans forward so that her breats are on display when we are a couple of steps away from her. I feel like slapping her make up of her face.

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