Chapter 6

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Ayisha POV

Damn I feel someone is cutting me open. These pains never get better and I can't bare it any longer. My periods just had to come this morning that I couldn't even get out of my bed. The time that I spent with Adam yesterday was amazing and gives me butterflies everytime I think about it. The first time we did "the deed" it was nerve wreaking but he was gentle like he always is.

It breaks my heart when I see him hurt. He isn't good at talking about his feelings. I'm not sure what is happening in that house but I'm pretty sure that Sky's father is very abusive towards Adam. I hope that he isn't laying a finger on Sky or Adam's mother. I always try to get him to speak about his dad but he just always changes the topic. All I know is that he was a good basketball player and that's why he decided to become one too. I wonder if he did look like him because he definitely doesn't look like his mother.

An excruciating pain on my lower abdomen snaps me out of my thoughts. I'm home alone and I do enjoy my space, being at that school can make you go crazy sometimes so a break is needed every once in a while. I make my way to take a shower after I get into a grey sweat pants and black tank top. I head to the kitchen and it's so quiet. To be honest I do get scared sometimes especially with the weird texts I've been receiving lately, I should be concerned about my safety. I quickly lock the main doors and make myself some food.

I finish the food in a few minutes and lay down on the couch. Turning on the TV... It is so boring there is nothing to watch, I just decide to rent a movie, 'Avengers Endgame'. I can't get enough of that movie especially at the scene where Captain America screams "Avenger Assemble." He is my favorite avenger than its Thor. The movie ends and I can't hold my tears back. I still can't believe that Marvel writers decided to kill Iron Man and make Captain America age older. I quickly clean the house and head up sleep to try ease the pain.

My phone rings after a few hours. Why can't I have a day to myself just for once. No calls. No destructions. Just me and my thoughts.

"Hello" I answer the phone.

"AYISHA WILLIAMS!" a squeaky voice says.

"Emma, I'm so sorry I totally forgot -"

I just had to forget about calling her yesterday. I'm so dead but it's Adam who needed me and I couldn't abandon him like that.

"Shut up! I'm coming over to your house better have an explanation young lady." and she hangs up the phone.

I laugh at how crazy this girl can get when she's angry.

Emily Summers is a friend. The reason we became friends was because we are part of the volleyball team together since the last year of middle school. We write for the school newspaper and we are both the leaders of the committee. I love her crazy personality and that she is determined with her future. She is also the reason me and Adam are together. I didn't have the guts to talk to him. I would always stutter with just looking at his eyes. Emma has brown hair and green yellowish eyes. She has well fit body and is about my height.

I make my way down stairs with my laptop and camera. The pictures from the game slipped my mind. We are going to have so much work to complete. It's going to be more for me because of the workload I know I'll have from the things I missed out today. I set everything on the dinning table. My phone buzzes on the table. I immediately grin seeing who the message is from.

*Hey babe. I'm just checking up on you and I hope you do feel better now. I miss you so much. School was just boring without seeing that beautiful face of yours. Anyway practice is about to start. I love you ❤️*

He is such a sweet boyfriend and it's too much sometimes that it makes me wonder how in the hell did I end up with him. Even though he has a tough life situation, he always puts a smile on his face and holds his head high. Adam is so strong and I just love the 'never give up' and 'I don't give a fuck' attitude he has.

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