Chapter 10

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Ayisha POV

I'm finally back at home. It's Sunday afternoon, the sun is out but its a bit cloudy. I'm sitting on the couch watching TV and to be honest I'm extremely bored. My mom is busy in the kitchen, baking some cookies. I did offer to help her but she just chased me out. My dad is outside washing the cars, I also offered to help but I was told to get some rest. I know they care about me but they have been doing this for past few days. I can't do anything around the house without them helping me. They are starting to treat like a disabled person and I miss doing thing for myself. I want to be me again, live normally and forget about the poison situation. Will that even be possible?

Chloe came to sleep over about two days ago. She did keep me company and we had so much fun together. We did each other's nails, hair, done a mini fashion show for each other and talked about what we've been up to. I didn't tell her the reason why I was in the hospital and I was grateful that she didn't ask me about it. I really want to find the person who did this to me because I seriously fear for my life. I'm doubting my trust for people now. I wonder why I'm being punished like this?

I could go visit Chloe but I just don't want her to think I'm a pain in the ass so maybe I can visit Ryan. Plus I would love to see Henry. I don't care what my parents will say about me going out but hopefully they will understand. I quickly grab my phone and car keys upstairs in my room. I come back downstairs and pray that my mother wouldn't have a problem with me visiting them for a few hours. I walk into the kitchen to find her filled with flour on her forehead and it's almost everywhere in the kitchen. Her chocolate chip cookies are to die for especially with milk. It's official, I'm totally a food junkie.

"Mom... I'm going out!" I announce by the door.

Please don't stop me

Please don't...

"And where will that be?" she asks.

"Ryan's house."

"And you'll be driving I'm guessing. Are you sure about this sweetie? You know that I can drive you there." she says with a concerned expression.

"Yes mom, I'm sure I can besides its just a few streets away. I won't get attacked and I even changed my number so I'm safe."

To be honest I don't think I'm safe and most of the time I feel like I'm being watched and it's freaking me out. I don't know what this person wants from me but I'm sure that I don't hate anyone and I don't want to fight with anyone. It might be one of the girls who have a crush on Adam. I wonder what they trying to gain from this? There is one thing that I won't do and that is fight for a boy. It's stupid and Adam can make his own decisions with who he wants to be. I'm so blindly in love with him that I'm willing to kind of risk my life for him. I hope he would do the same for me. Who am I kidding? He is going all hulk about the poison situation just to make sure I'm safe. It's starting to worry me because I don't like him being all caveman on me. I just want my normal boyfriend back. I giggle and shake my head. When was he ever normal?

"Okay sweetie. You may go but call me every thirty minutes to tell me that you are still okay."

"Mom... You seriously think that I'll be in danger at the Stanfords, being there is like my second home and they treat me like a daughter and sister."

"Ayisha we don't know who poisoned you and who is sending the threats. So if you think that I'm going to trust people who are outside these walls. You are mistaken and I won't allow any kind of life threatening situation come to you. I'm your mother and I will do my best to keep you safe."

She does have a point. We don't know who did this to me. It could be anyone? It could be someone who hates me? It could be a serial killer? Or someone who wants me to suffer? It could be any of the people I know, my friends or family? I don't think I will take it well if someone close to me is the reason I ended up in hospital. Actually I don't think anyone would like that. Or maybe I'm being paranoid?

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