Chapter 3

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Ayisha POV

Camera flash!

Camera flash!

Camera flash!

It so happens that I am also part of the school newspaper committee as the photographer. Photography is actually my life besides being a nerd, that's why I have applied at different colleges and universities for arts because I'm thinking of taking it as a profession. My parents were upset when I told them that I didn't want to be a doctor anymore. They accepted it anyway after trying to convince them for a whole year that it's an actual career.

The grandstands are full of students with every single one of them cheering and singing. It's the first game for the basketball season and we are playing against our biggest rivals 'Lakeview High'. The championship title has been circulating between both schools for the past five years. Our school has won it 2 years in a row, making Ridgeford High the first high school to make it to the nationals. It's our home-game and Adam just had to make me wear his jacket. It's quite huge on me but I love it anyway since it's keeping me warm. It has light blue sleeves, the rest of the jacket is purple and his name written in bold on the back with his jersey number '16'. The only reason he makes me wear it is to make a statement that I'm "taken" but sometimes I just feel like I'm sort of a lucky charm for him when I'm wearing it at his games. I'm sitting in the front row so that I can get good pictures for the school newspaper.

"You have to learn to enjoy the game" Ryan yells.

I can't help it but smile at him. He is not a fan of basketball but he's busy telling me to enjoy the game. Ryan plays for the school's soccer team. It doesn't usually get that much attention as basketball.

"I am Ryan and you must remember that I'm working as well"

"Well you are dating the captain so you have to watch" and a smirk takes over his face.

I just give him a quiet laugh and turn my face to the court. My eyes immediately meet his grey-blue eyes and I can feel my cheeks becoming red from the smile that I have on my face. He looks extremely hot, his hair is glued to his face like a fly on flypaper, his chest is rapidly rising as he tries to catch his breathe, his skin is shimmering under the light in the gym and he licks his bottom lip after taking a drink of some water. He blows me a kiss and I turn my eyes to the floor trying to hide the smile that I have on my face. When I look up he is still looking at me and just smiles at me before listening to what the coach has to say.

"We are down to a draw with both teams" a voice announces on the mic.

"The last few minutes someone has to be the tiebreaker" another voice announces.

The buzzer sounds and its time for the second half. I take a few more pictures of the action as I watch everything unfold. Things are quite intense as both teams are trying to get the ball in the hoop a few times but miss the shots. Ethan has the ball and dribbles it between the opponent's legs. The player's face hits the ground and everyone laughs, he gets quick on his feet trying his best to defend. Ethan throws the ball to another team mate and he catches it and he immediately dribbles the ball and pass players from the other team. He throws the ball to Adam and everyone starts shouting for him to score, some of them cheer his name. The opposite team player tries to defend and doesn't succeed. The grandstands begin to rumble as Adam dribbles the ball passed each player of the other team. He reaches the basketball hoop and aims to score.

The crowd goes wild when the balls goes through the hoop. Lakeview players already have the defeated facial expressions on and some player is on his knees and as I take a closer look I see that it's the captain. The players shake hands and say 'good game'. It's only the first game for the season and everyone from our school feels like winners. The excitement and smiles on their faces are just priceless. I can't control myself as I burst into laughter. Ryan and I make our way to the court. We push ourselves through the students as I grab a hold of my best friend's hand. I literally feel like I'm going to be pushed all over the place and I squeeze it tighter.

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