Chapter 2

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I have changed the main characters name due to certain complications of being accused of stealing someone else's work. I decided to change one character's name
Roxanne Williams - Ayisha Williams

Adam POV

"Addy!" she shouts.

It is none other than my sweet little sister. I hear my bedroom door slide open. She jumps on my bed and begins to sing wake up Adam. I can not believe it is already school and I don't think I am ready for the madness.

"Wake up Adam!"

"Skylar get out of my room!"

"No, you need to wake up, it is school time!"

"Skylar I'm warning you!"

She continues to jump on my bed. I get up and grab a hold of her. I heard her giggle as I tickle her and I can not help it, I laugh along.

"You going to get out of my room now? "

"Yes!" she giggles even louder when I tickle her harder.

I let go of her and she runs to the door to escape from my sweet torture. She sticks her tongue out before running into the hallway. I just chuckle at how cute she can be at times. It's an hour until school, I rush into the shower and put on a pair of black jeans, white t-shirt and black sneakers. My hair is still wet so I just rub my hands through it hoping it will dry on my way to school.

I run downstairs to find my mother making some cereal for Skylar in the kitchen.

"Morning mom."

"Morning Son, do you want some cereal?"

"Yes please." standing next to Skylar.

My mom hands me a bowl full of colourful cereal and I eat it all up. Sky tries to tickle me but her hands are so soft that I just fake a laugh. She just smiles. Her smile is something that I admire, I would kill anyone who ever tries to take it away from her. With all the drama happening in this house her smile is the only thing that keeps me sane.

"Good morning Family" he says.

Oh fuck it's my step father. I think it is time for me sneak myself out.

"I better get going, Sky let's go. I'll take you to school" I tell my little sister and she looks at my mom for approval.

"It's okay. Adam just be careful. Drive safely."

"I always do mom" I say with a smile.

I carry Skylar in my arms and grab our bags off the sofa.

"I love you, mommy!" she screams when we reach the door to get to my car.

"I love you too sweetie!" my mom says before I shut the door.

I put Skylar in the backseat and buckle her seat belt before I enter into the driver's seat. I start the car engine and drive off the drive way into the street,taking a look at Skylar in the rearview mirror. Her light blue eyes are glued to the window and a big smile on her face. Her blonde ponytails make her look adorable , as well as her purple tutu. In her arms she has a cute stuffed unicorn that looks too big for her hands.

I focus my eyes back on the road and my phone rings.

"Hey bruh, could you like pick me up?" .

"Morning to you too Ethan"

"Bruh could you pick me up?" he asks again.

"I'm taking my sister to school"

"Oh come on Adam, it's not like I'm going to hit on her or something", he laughs.

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