Chapter 28

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This chapter has some violence in it. If you are a sensitive reader you can skip to the next chapter. If you aren't, read away.

Adam POV

My knuckles are feeling numb at this point. I have been punching this bag for hours. I can't believe that I'm about to loose someone that I love because of a person who couldn't keep their hands off me. I thought Brianna had finally got the picture that I'm not into her. I never will be. The only person that I actually have eyes for is Ayisha and now I don't know if I still have her. Brianna is the one who came onto me and before I knew it, Ayisha had to see it. Fuck. When I saw her cry, it broke me inside. I don't like seeing tears falling down her face. I have been trying to call and text her, she hasn't replied to any. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't want to loose her. She is the only person who actually understands me.

I throw another hook on the punching bag and stop to breathe. I look at my knuckles and see my blood all over the back of my hand, some of it is dripping onto the floor. My hands go through my hair and grip onto it. I take a deep breath and scream. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks and I fall to my knees. I cry to let the empty feeling I have inside to go away. The pain of thinking about loosing my angel. I'm not going to allow that to happen. I'm going to give her time to calm down and we'll sort it out because it's not my fault. I don't kiss Brianna back. The only person I want is her. It has been for the past two years we've been together. I'm going to fight for us, I promise angel. I wipe my tears and sit against the wall. The gym has dim lights on and is quite than usual. I'm glad Dylan didn't open it today, I really needed to be alone. I'm so angry that Brianna kissed me. She has ruined my relationship with my girlfriend and now I don't know how I'm going to get Ayisha to forgive me, most of all trust. Brianna better pray that I don't see her at school. My phone rings getting me out of my throughts and walk over to check who's calling, the screen reads Ethan.

"Hello."I say as I answer the phone.

" Dude... Where are you? Your mom called me asking where you were. "

" I'm somewhere you don't have to worry about it. "

" Adam, are you okay? "

" I'm fine. "

" Can you tell me where you are so I know that you are fine? "


"Okay. Don't leave I'm coming." he says before he hangs up.

I put my phone in my jacket pocket before going to the bathroom. I strip all my clothes off and step into the shower. I stand under the water and see the blood on my hands gets washed away by the water. I stay still doing nothing for sometime. I wash the sweat off my body before walking out of the shower. I wipe the water off my body with my t-shirt before wearing my basketball shorts. I walk out of the bathroom and search for the first aid kit. Once I found it, I take a seat on the bench and begin to wrap my knuckle with a bandage. The door to enter the gym opens and Ethan walks in. He has pizza in one hand and some alcohol in the other. I chuckles to myself. Pizza and some alcohol won't fix the issue.

"Hey bro... I'm here to rescue you."

"Did I say that I needed that?"

"You look like you need it." he sighs and sits next to me.

He opens the box of pizza and offers me a slice. I take it only because I haven't ate all day. We eat the pizza in silence. I know that he wants to know what's up but I'm not sure if I want to talk about what happened.

" So your mom is worried about you." Ethan says.

"I'm sure she is. I just didn't want to go home yet." I mumur.

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