Chapter 37

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Ayisha POV

The week has been good at least. I've been focusing on trying to find myself I guess. I just feel like I've lost the person I was before all of the chaos began. As for threats, the police haven't found any information and I haven't got any threats so far. I guess that's a relief but the calls haven't stopped. It's weird. My parents have become so protective of me that I don't leave the house unless any of my friends pick me up and they are still driving me to school. I guess that's why Ryan came to get me earlier on because I look miserable according to him. I enjoy spending time with him anyway. So here we are watching one of our favorite series on Netflix. 13 Reasons Why.

"Ayisha did you hear that?" Ryan asks.


I forgot that Henry was on the phone.

"Henry is freaking out, he doesn't know how to ask Madison to be his girlfriend." he chuckles.

"Oh shut up... I'm not freaking out." Henry says through the phone.

"So what do you suggest?" Ryan asks.

"Well...he can do a lot of stuff." I mumble and focus on the TV. This show is a real addition.

"You not helping Ayisha... I just want an idea. What did Adam do when he asked you to be his girlfriend?" Henry asks.

"Well he took me to one of his favorite spots for a picnic and we watched the sunset that's when he asked me." I say.

"How romantic." Ryan comments.

"Wow that's not bad... I might just use that."

"Did you get the advice you wanted because we would like to go back to our bonding time?"

"Yeah yeah whatever bitches... Love yall." Henry says before hanging up.

"At the rate he going, he'll be getting married soon." Ryan chuckles.

"Leave Henry to live his life."

"And I'm still single." he sighs.

"I don't understand why. You are an amazing guy and handsome. Any girl would love to be with you." I say.

My thoughts immediately wonder to Chloe. I still think they'll make an amazing couple.

"I get it but the person I'm in love with... I can't be with that person." he says with a frown on his face.

"Why not?"

I wonder who she is...

"It's complicated besides I'm okay with the way things are. I don't want to ruin the relationship we already have."

"Come on, it can't be that complicated. Does she know that you like her?"

He sighs and turns his attention to me. His eyes look at me for a while and frowns. His eyes show that his battling with himself. He sighs after sometime and turns his attention to the TV.

"She doesn't know." he mumbles.

"I'm going to help you win her over... What's her name?"

"Let's stop talking about this and concentrate on the show."

"Oh, come on... Just tell me her name at least."

"No..." he mumbles.

"Fine... I guess I'll just ask Henry."

"He doesn't know anything." he smirks.

I sigh... I guess I'll try later on.

After some time I get up to use the bathroom. Once I'm done, I quickly wash my hands before drying them. My phone pings in my pocket and I turned it on to find a message from Chloe. We have talked things through and hung out. She also promised to keep her distance from Brianna after I told her what happened. I trust Chloe so much. She's has been like a sister to me for years and we've always had each other's backs. I click on her message and it reads.

The words I wish I never said Where stories live. Discover now