Chapter 33

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I feel kisses going down my torso as I get out of my sleeping state. My eyes slowly open to find Adam hovering above me with a smirk on his face.

"Good morning." I say.

"Well it's not really morning... It's almost past midday."

"We slept that long." I say with wide eyes.

"You slept that long... I've been awake for hours. I just thought I should wake you up because I missed you."

"You had Ryan to keep you company." I smirk.

I know that they only tolerate each other because of me. During the first year of my relationship with Adam, they always use to glare at each other but I guess it's water under the bridge because Ryan even called him to come here.

" I know but your friend sometimes gets on my nerves. He talks too much."

"I talk too much as well."

"You're different. I love your voice."

"Aww... I love yours too."

My stomach grumbles and he chuckles.

"Let's get you some food." he says.

I quickly get off the bed to go brush my teeth. I wince a little because of the pain I feel between my legs. I'm never letting Adam do what he did to me last night. It was hot but I can't walk straight. I walk into the kitchen to find Ryan typing away on his phone and Adam doing faces behind his back. I glare at Adam and he just shrugs. He gets busy sound the kitchen and looks to be preparing something for me. Lucky me. Ryan is still typing on his phone and I slowly sneak up on him.

"BOO!!!" I scream in his ear.

He jumps from his seat and turns to look at me. He has one of his hands over his chest.

"I think I might have had a heart attack for a second there."

I roll my eyes and smile.

"It's good to see you finally awake and walking." he smiles.

I blush. I hope he didn't hear everything. I mean I can get a bit loud. Oh no! He did hear everything! I stick my tongue out and take a seat beside him before Adam puts a plate of pancakes in front of me. I give him a smile to say thank you before I begin eating.

"Woah... Slow down. The food isn't going to run away." Ryan says with a disgusted look.

"Shut up... I'm starving."

"And when you choke on that food... I'm going to laugh so hard because I told you so."

I show him my middle finger before I go back to eating. Ryan chuckles and goes back to being busy on his phone. I finally finish my food and hand my plate to Adam. He takes it to give it a wash.

"Who did the pancakes?" I ask.

" Adam did." Ryan mumbles.


"Yes." Adam answers this time with a huge smile on his face.

"If you do these for me for the rest of my life... I might just marry you. They are more nicer than my mom's."

I hear Ryan gasp.

"Did I just hear you right?"

"What I just said? Yes, I'll marry Adam."

The words I wish I never said Where stories live. Discover now