Chapter 13

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This chapter has some really sexual scenes. If you are a sensitive reader, you can go on to the next chapter. If you are not go ahead and read away.

The weekend is finally upon us and I won't have to wake up tomorrow. I had to leave early from school because I have a doctor's appointment. I couldn't wait for Adam so he will have to figure out what he'll go with. I get to the hospital and the doctor checks me. I didn't tell him anything about me vomiting but at least I'm getting better. I can go back to playing the volleyball matches. I get home and change into comfortable clothes, sweatpants and tank top. I don't think my mom will arrive anytime soon. It really sucks being alone in this big house. My phone rings and the picture that pops up on my screen. I can't help the smile that comes on my face.

"Angel." Adam says.

"Hey babe."

"Well I just got home and found a note saying that everyone will be gone for the weekend. So how about you come over?"

"For the whole weekend?"

"Yes... We will have a whole loads of fun."

"Okay babe. I'm going to need to come out with a really good story for my parents to believe."

"Just tell them that you'll be going to Emily's house or Chloe's house to do school stuff. I know you smart, you can come up with something and they'll believe you."

"Fine... I'll figure something out. Let me start packing my bag."

"Okay babe. I'll see you when you get here. Drive safely and don't forget to wear your glasses." he hangs up.

I take out my duffle bag and think of what I should pack. I pack a swim suit, two dresses, a couple of jeans and t shirts. I also put some sexy underwear. I pack my toilet bag making sure that I don't forget my toothbrush. I forget it most of the time. The front door opens and closes telling me that someone just walked in.

"Sweetie I'm home." my mom shouts.

"Hello Mommy."

I hear her footsteps coming to my room. She knocks on my bed room and comes in. Her eyes immediately set on the bag and gives me a confused look.

"Where are you going?" my mom asks.

"Well I'm going to Emma's house... We have some school work to do."

I need to call Emma to keep everything under control and cover up for me. We always do this but sometimes she can't keep her mouth shut. I just hope she won't mess this up because if I get grounded, I won't talk to her a month actually I'll try. I can't go a day without talking to her.

"What kind of work?"

"It's for the school newspaper and plus I still have to catch up with my school work. So I asked Emma to help me."

There is a long silence and I'm having a doubt that she won't believe me. I hope she won't ask more questions because I don't know what I'm going to say. My dad will probably call Emma's dad. Shit! How in the hell am I going do this?

"Okay sweetie, make sure you don't forget your toothbrush. I'll pack some cookies for Emma."

I smile at her letting her know that it's okay. She leaves my room and I continue to pack the rest of my bag. I slip my phone into my pocket with my car keys and grab my duffel bag. I get to the kitchen to find my mom typing on her tablet.

"Mom I'm leaving now."

"Okay my baby. Have fun studying and here are the cookies. Drive safely and wear your glasses. It's getting dark." and she hands me the Tupperware full of cookies.

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