Chapter 39

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The past week has been a bit intense. Mark assaulted Adam and the sad part was that Skylar saw it. She called me on Adam's phone. I was so scared when I saw him laying on the floor with Mark beating him. I helped them out of the house but Adam didn't want to go to the hospital. We went to my house and my dad was furious. He went to the house, the police were also there but Mark was gone. It seems as if he has disappeared into thin air. The police have been trying to track him down but haven't found any information. Adam's mom couldn't stop crying the next day she got to our house to fetch Adam and Skylar. I could see that she felt guilty. My parents offered to buy them a place which made Adam's mother cry more and she didn't stop saying thank you. I helped them move into their new apartment few days ago, not far from my home. I hope Mark doesn't come back and stays wherever he ran off to. Adam has been healing and still the same old him. I know that he doesn't want to talk about what happened and I won't push him.

I'm still having the same dream and it's starting to irritate me. I have been having mood swings for a while now. I guess my periods will be happening soon because I've also be vomiting like crazy. I have headaches as well and I'm always tired. I guess it's because of what happening, I haven't been sleeping much anyway. The bell ringing takes me out of my thoughts and I pack my bag. I walk to the cafeteria and get my lunch. I sit at our usual lunch table and silently stroll through my phone. Emma joins me in no time and we begin to talk about random things.

"You know, I wonder what's its like to have sex on the beach." Emma mutters.

"What's making you think of that?"

"Remember when Ethan and I went on our date to the beach..."

I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands. Emma isn't as innocent as I thought. She can't be serious than she calls Adam and I freaks sometimes. Adam and I can't seem to take our hands off each other whenever we together. So I guess we're more like addicted to touching each other.

"Ayisha don't come act all innocent. I'm sure you have thought about it before."

"Well I won't lie I do have crazy sex fantasies but I'm just shocked that you thinking about that."

"Well I'm sure you would be shocked if I told you..."

"What?!" I interrupt her.

"Nothing..." she mumbles.

"Oh no... You're not leaving me curious. What happened?"

"Well... Ethan and I did it." she mumbles while taking a bite into her sandwich.

"What?!" I shout and some people turn to look at us weird. Emma apologises before she glares at me.

"What? I didn't hear what you said okay." I shrug and drink my juice.

"Ethan and I did it..." she sighs.

"No way... When did this happen?"

"About a week ago, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was nervous and he's been distant towards me and I don't know why."

"Well, have you tried to take to him?"

"No... I'm scared he'll push me away. What if he's embarrassed about sleeping with me?"

"No, don't you dare feel like that. Try to talk to him alright, I'm sure he doesn't feel like that."

She nods before continuing to eat her sandwich.

"Alright so tell me the details. How was it to loose your V-card?"

"He was really gentle and very careful. He kept asking if I was okay which got annoying at one point but it was cute to see him worry about me."

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