Chapter 42

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"Stupid hair!" I mumble.

I've been trying to get this hairstyle right for the past hour.

One of the boys in the basketball team decided to host a party for the team being in the finals. Its pool party themed. I wasn't going to go if it wasn't for Adam. I'm planning on not being there for long. He won't be there until later on in the evening because he has to babysit Skylar. So that's why I'm dragging Ryan to the party. He doesn't go to these parties so it took me a while to convince him. Besides he can't say no when I use my puppy eyes. I smile once I'm done with my hair. I look good. I'm dressed in a full black strapless swim suite and white loose shorts. I smile in satisfaction as I put on simple strawberry flavoured lip balm and sandals.

My phone pings taking me out of my thoughts. I find a text message from Ryan saying that he's outside. I take my phone and walk downstairs to find my mother in the kitchen.

"I'm leaving mom." I announce.

"Okay... Be careful and make sure to be safe." my mother states.

"I will make sure of it." I assure her.

I turn to leave the house but something tells me to look back. I turn when I get to the front door and I don't know why I feel emotional about it.

"Mom?!" I shout.

Her head soon pops out from the kitchen and has a concerned look on her face.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too sweetheart. And you better be home by midnight." she smiles.

I smile back at her before blowing her a kiss. I walk out of the house to find Ryan's car parked in front of my house. I get in the car and greet him which he does back. He is dressed in white shorts with a floral shirt. The girls are going to go crazy tonight. His hair isn't neat like it always is. I got to admit, he looks hot.

"You looking all handsome." I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows.

"You looking all gorgeous." he gives me a friendly smile.

The car soon comes to life and Ryan drives us to the party. The car is filled with a sing off to the playlist on his phone. The house where the party is taking place comes in our sight. This is definitely the biggest party we have had this year. And we haven't even won the basketball championship. The whole street is full of cars and you can actually hear the music from the corner. We end up parking in the next street because we couldn't find any space to park closer to the house. Ryan and I walk side by side to the loud house.

"Is this how the parties are usually?" he asks staring at the house ahead of us.

"Not really... I think this is the biggest one I've been to." I say.

"If I don't get drunk tonight, it would be a miracle." we laugh.

As we get closer to the house, there are people all over the lawn with red and blue cups in their hands. Some of them already look like they've had enough for the night because they can barely walk on their own. If teenagers party like this in high school then I'm nervous to think about frat parties. Ryan walks closely behind me as we enter the house and bump into sweaty and drunk teens. We finally get to the kitchen and I turn to see Ryan just moving his head to the beat of the song playing.

"Do you want a drink?" I shout over the loud music.

He smiles and nods. I quickly fix him a drink before handing it to him. I grab a clean cup and pour myself one as well.

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