Chapter 16

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It's an away game and the team is playing against Kingston High. They are good players but haven't won the championship in the last ten years. My dad wanted me to come to this school because he came here. Luckily Ridgeford High is closer to home and I got accpeted there first. I'm sure my life would be different if I did. There wouldn't be any threat drama at least. I probably won't be dating because I'll still wouldn't have had the guts to talk to my crush. I wouldn't be a social person like I am now. Emma and I are sitting next to each other on the grandstands, watching the match. So far Kingston is leading with the score by three points. The look on Adam's face let's me know that he is extremely frustrated because some of the team players aren't playing well. Adam shouts at them to keep their head in the game and Ethan makes faces at him. Ethan is such a clown. Ridgeford scores a point and some of the students from our school cheer. I take pictures of the game and Emma takes notes.

We have about five games until the quarter finals for the basketball championships. I do pray they do win most of the games so that we get to the quarter finals then the semi finals. Its half time and I can't help but laugh when I see Adam shouting at the players. His veins are popping out of his neck and his face has turned red. He points at each of them and instructs them what to do. When he get to Ethan, I can see that Ethan can't keep a straight face and is trying so hard not to laugh in his face. He knows very well that he'll definitely get a punch from Adam. The game continues and they score two more points and the scores are tied. There's so much tension already and almost everyone from our school wants us to score. The Ridgeford team defences the opponents well and they score another point. Everyone from school goes wild and cheer loudly. Me and Emma share a look and laugh. It's all so ridiculous how people can go crazy for basketball. The same way my dad goes crazy for soccer and that irritates my mom so much when he starts shouting or run around the house after his favourite team has scored a point. Our team ends up scoring another point and the game ends in five minutes. Me and Emma choose to wait at the cars.

"Do we really have to go to the party?" Emma whines.

"Yes. I promise you it's going to be fun. You don't come a lot to these parties. You won't be alone."


We talk about random things while we wait for the boys to get here. It starts to get a bit chilly and I regret forgetting my jacket at home.

"Where are these boys?" she asks.

"I'm sure they are on their way. We should've taken the keys from them."

"Yea we should've because it's getting a bit cold right now."

"I'm sure Adam I'd still lecturing them" I laugh.

"That's true." she laughs.

The boys show up after a few minutes and we ride in separate cars to Ethans house. We get to Ethan's house and the boys go take a shower. I decide to order some Chinese food for everyone as we wait for the boys. The food arrives in an hour and we all eat. We head to the party and the drive there is slow. I wonder how it would be because I know very well that the students at my school love a good party. We'll probably have to carry Ethan again because I'm sure he'll get drunk.

We get to the party and one of the basketball players are hosting it. The house is packed with drunk teenagers when we get there. We push our way through the house and we get drinks in the kitchen. There isn't space inside the house so we decide to go sit outside. The music bursting through the speakers so loudly and people dancing. We get outside and the group of cheerleaders and basketball players is sitting in a big circle. We join the group and I sit next to Adam. He puts his arm over my shoulders to pull me closer. One of the guys in the group suggests we play 'never have I'. I have played it before with my cousins, we had to drink a disgusting smoothy now here we have to drink alcohol. I'm going to be so drunk. Adam doesn't play because he knows that he's the one who's going to be driving me home. A guy named Chris starts the game.

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