Chapter 36

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Adam POV

"Adam..." someone whispers in my ear.

I mumble go away before turning around and placing a pillow over my head.

"Adam wake up." the voice raises a little.

I groan and move the pillow off my head and open my eyes a bit to find my mother standing by my bed.

"Good morning Mom."

"Good morning... You haven't forgotten that you are babysitting Skylar right?"

"No I haven't."

I'm just tired. Coach made us practice for extra hours yesterday and my body is tired. I'm mentally tired too. My mom decided to take more hours at work for this weekend and I agreed to stay with Skylar. My mother doesn't trust Mark alone with her and I don't either.

" Okay... So I'm off to work now. I just came to wake you up because you know how adventurous she gets sometimes." my mom smiles and I chuckles.

Skylar can make you pull your hair off sometimes. She loves doing new things and is not an easy person to make fall asleep either.

" She has already ate breakfast so don't worry about that. I put yours in the microwave. She watching some cartoons right now so don't sleep for a long time."

"I won't mom... You can go off to work. I got this."

My mom kisses my forehead before leaving. I stretch my body on the bed and get up to wash my teeth. I quickly wash my face with water before walking downstairs. I warm up my food before walking into the living room. I find Skylar watching the TV that has Tom and Jerry on. She's still dressed in her pyjamas and her hair is a mess. I eat silently while watching the cartoons and think about how I'm going to be able to survive today. I promised Ayisha that I'll come to her volleyball game and agreed to bring Skylar. Ayisha also agreed to help me with her only after the game. My mom doesn't know that we are going to the game and I know that she won't mind. Sometimes I feel like she trusts Ayisha with Skylar more than me.

"Skylar..." I say and she turns to look at me.

"You have to promise me that you are going to behave."

"I promise." she says immediately.

"We are going to a volleyball game, Ayisha is playing."

"We going to see Asia?" she asks with a huge smile on her face.

"Yes but only after the game."

She starts to scream and runs upstairs. I quickly run after her and find her already looking at clothes to wear for today.

"Can I wear the tutu?" she asks using her puppy eyes.

"Of course you can wear it." I smile.

She squeals before taking out her blue tutu and putting it on the bed. She takes out a t-shirt with Elsa from Frozen and puts it on the bed as well. I leave her to go pour water in the bathtub for her. Once I've checked the temperature, I call her into the bathroom and she takes her clothes off before getting into the water. I quickly wash her and her hair. I wrap her in a towel and help her get dressed into her outfit. I dry her hair and manage to do two ponytails. They do look a bit messed up and I turn Skylar to look at herself in the mirror. Her lip slowly turn into a pout and her eyes start to get glassy.

"What's wrong?" I ask hesitantly.

"I look like a broken teddy bear." she mumbles and pouts.

I chuckle and begin to wonder what a broken teddy bear looks like.

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