Chapter 38

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My eyes slowly open as I recognize the familiar surroundings but it feels different. I don't know what it is but something isn't right. The sun light isn't shining through my curtains like usual and I have a sick feeling in my stomach. I walk out of my bedroom with my legs trembling with fear. I wander  down the usual stairs in my house and not find my parents in the kitchen like every morning. They are always here every morning. Are they sleeping? I march upstairs to their room and grab the door handle. My body is starting to feel weak and my breathing becoming shallow. Why is this happening to me? I shake the feeling off and open my parents' door. My breath hitches in my throat as I stare at the scene before me. Blood is splattered on the wall. Their bed has so much blood on it and they both laying there. I stroll closer and my sob is the only thing that can be heard. Both of their throats are cut open and their eyes that were once filled with life were now so empty.

"Mom..." I whimper.

The room is silent and I silently cry for them. I can't loose them both. Who's going to protect me from all the bad things of the world? What am I going to do without them? I move over to my dad's side and kneel in front of the bed.

"Dad, please wake up." I whisper.

I cry while holding my dad's hand in hopes that he'll wake up by some miracle. I hear a crash from behind the door and my heart beats against my chest. I get into the bloody bed between my parents wanting to feel safe. It never comes, that feeling of safety. They both dead and I'm willing for it to happen to me too. The door slams against the wall and I scream. My eyes shut as I try to protect myself but the blanket is ripped from my body. My eyes open in fear and they set on a person. I can't recognize the person's face because it's blurry. The person lifts the knife and I watch as it goes down aiming for my chest and my eyes quickly close. I wait for the pain but it doesn't come.

"Are you alright?" a voice snaps me out of my trance.

My eyes snap open as I look at my surroundings. I'm not in the my parents' bedroom anymore. I'm in a car and it's driving on a dark road. There aren't any lights to guide it except for the headlights.

" Ayisha... " the familiar voice says again.

My head turns to the driver's seat to find Ryan driving. He looks so calm and moving his head to the beat of song playing on the radio. Why is he driving on such a dark road?

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"I'm taking you home." he says with a smile on his face.

I furrow my eyebrows. Why is he taking me home? I don't want to see my parents dead and I might get killed as well. What if the person kills Ryan? He doesn't deserve that.

"We can't go there..." I murmur.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want you to die like them."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I can't loose you too Ryan."

"You won't loose me. I'm always here for you." he says as he holds my hand. For a moment I felt at peace before bright lights were in front of us and we both scream.

I gasp as my surroundings fades to a familiar beach. The sun is setting into the ocean and I feel like I can finally breathe again.

" You look sad." a voice I know too well says behind me.

I turn to find Adam in a white shirt and shorts. His hair in its usual mess but his eyes are brighter from the sun. He looks at peace and walks closer to me. His finger goes to wipe a tear I didn't feel on my cheek.

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