Chapter 5

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This chapter contains some sexual content. If you are sensitive reader, you can skip the chapter. You have to read the first few paragraphs about Adam's life. It's very important otherwise you won't know what's going on.

Adams POV

It is Monday morning and I don't feel like going to school. Looking at myself in the mirror is terrifying. This is the story of my life. I didn't get enough sleep last night because of my step dad, Mark Andrews coming back home drunk and abusive again. I seriously feel like shit,my body hurts, bruise on my lip and a huge blue purple eye. I quickly take a shower and get dressed. I head down stairs to find that everyone is still sleeping. I guess I won't be taking Sky to school today. I get into my car and try to take as much time to get to school.

I never had it this rough before in my life. I had all the happiness with my parents. Everything was great until my dad got murdered. Life just came crushing down. I came back home from school and found my dad with two men beating him up. I hid behind the wall and watched as the men beat him until he couldn't move. I would've fought for him but I knew those men would hurt me, I was only six years old. One of the men took out a gun and shot him. The men left and I ran over to my dad's lifeless body under a puddle of blood. Tears filled my eyes as I tried to wake him up and he still didn't move. I had to come to accept that I lost the only man that I looked up to was murdered in cold blood. I guess the only reason why I decided to join the basketball team was because of him. He was one of the best players for his team until he took his last breath. I promise myself to do my best to make him proud of me. Look at me now I have been captain for 2 years and people from school see me as perfect guy when I'm drowning inside, but there is only one person who has taken the painful memories away with just a smile. It's her smile that makes me continue to fall in love with her and I know she will be the one to help me right now.

I park my car in the school parking lot and went into the doors of madness. I put my hoodie up and make my way to look for her. I keep my head down the whole time and avoid everyone who calls my name. I get to the floor where her locker is and there she is. The light jeans hug her curves perfectly and a colourful t-shirt that I have as well. I quietly make my way and wrap my arms around her, lightly kiss her neck. I feel better already but I don't want to be here.

"Let's skip school today." I beg her.

"Babe, we can't do that it's only the beginning of th..."

She turns around to face me and her eyes go wider.  Fuck. I don't like her seeing me like this. Her shaky hand strokes my cheek and lean into it.

"Babe what happened to you? It's that man right. I'm so going to kill him" she says angrily.

She just looks so adorable right now.

"Don't worry about him. So can we please skip because I really don't want to be here right now"

"Okay we can go but I have to give Emily the pictures from the game."

My girlfriend always worrying about being the good girl when we both know that she is very naughty.

"Angel come on please... You will give them to her when we come back later."

"Urrgh... Fine we can go since someone is being all grumpy and impatient." and rolls her eyes.

We make our way back to my car and exit the school grounds. The traffic is unbeatable this morning and I can't take it. I take off ramp to the road that leads to our little paradise spot up the mountain. In minutes I park my car on the side of the deserted road and turn of the engine. The silence around is comforting. I don't know how to talk to her about last night because I only want to be with her that's all.

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