Chapter 41

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This is the longest car ride I've been in. I don't usually feel comfortable going to family reunions, especially my mother's side of the family. I don't hate them, I just feel like an outcast. I haven't seen them in almost six years ,so I should be nervous right? Family gatherings always had some drama and it always involved my parents and I. My mother noticed that dad and I get treated differently but chooses to ignore it. I didn't want to go in the first place and I could've spent some time with Adam. My mother literally dragged me out of bed this morning to get ready.

My grandmother's house comes to view in front of us and I slowly take a deep breathe. My dad parks the car in the driveway before we all get out. I'm in a simple floral dress and half jean jacket with sandels. I let my hair loose for today and no makeup. I slip my phone and earphones into my pocket before following my parents to the front door. The door is opened before we knock to reveal my grandmother who pulls my mother into a hug. A tight hug. I know the look on her face is fake. My mom does the same face when she feels uncomfortable. My grandmother pulls away before her eyes land on me and my dad with a small smile. We just get that that? We walk into the house and everything hasn't changed since I was last here six years ago. The house doesn't have that much modern stuff. The wallpaper looks like it a hundred years old, the kitchen still has the green cardboards and living room still has that itchy carpet and sofas. But surprisingly it has a cozy and warm atmosphere.

Let the drama begin...

My parents disappeared leaving me alone.
I sigh and find a chair in the far corner of the backyard. You probably wondering why I'm not interacting with cousins. Like I said, my cousins weren't so nice towards me except for one. Mika. She is the only friendly cousin I have. We still keep in touch especially when my aunt, her mom was sick. I hope she is here because I miss her and it would be nice to have someone to keep me company. I don't understand my mom's side of the family sometimes. My father's side doesn't even treat my mother differently because of her skin colour. My cousins always said things behind my back or when they thought I wasn't paying attention. They would say that I treat myself highly and as a bitch because I have a white father. It's crazy I know. When have I ever done that? Anyway I don't care at all and I'm not in a mood to fight anybody. I stare at everyone in front of me with smiles. I don't know when was the last time I had a genuine smile. I miss not worrying too much. I sit quietly by myself playing candy crush on my phone until someone blocks the sunlight. I slowly look up to find my cousin with a huge smile on her face.

"Mika! I'm so happy to see you!" I shout as I hug her.

"It's so good to see you too. It's been a long time." she says before taking a seat next to me.

"So how is senior year treating you?" she questions.

"It's been a lot to handle but I'm almost done with high school so that's the only great thing about it. How is your first year of college?"

"it's amazing. Journalism is an exciting course. Plus I have a boyfriend now."

"Whats his name?" I smirk at her.

"His name is Joel..." she mumbles while smiling.

"Awww...So how long have you guys been together?"

"It's only been 4 months."

We continue to talk about her life in college and the crazy things she has done. Mika tell me more about her boyfriend and how they met. Joel works as a waiter at a coffee shop not far from the college and she accidentally spilt coffee on him. I don't think it was an accident though. I know my cousin and she is a flirt.

"So where is that boyfriend of yours?" Mika asks with a furrowed eyebrows.

"He's probably at his house playing video games."

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