Meeting The Stepfamily

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Theo fiddled with the newspaper ads in front of him, watching as his dad paced back and forth, glancing at his watch every now and again. Theo heard a few car doors shut, causing him to perk up and his dad to ready his outfit. His dad looked over at Theo with a tired smile, fixing his glasses.

  "How do I look, sport?" His dad asked.

  Theo chuckled, sitting up from the table. "Handsome?" Says Theo, questioningly.

  His father let out a small laugh. "Thanks for the encouragement."

  Theo threw up two thumbs putting on a sarcastic smirk. "Anytime, my man."

  The door bell rang and his dad rolled his eyes at him as he walked over to the door, opening it. In came Mary Jane Peterson, her hair up in a bun with some nice skinny Jean's on, a blue tank top and a loose jean jacket. She looked younger than his dad, which Theo didnt mind. She looked like she was in her late 30's and his dad was 46. Talk about an age gap.

  "Oh, Howard! This is such a beautiful home!" She says, putting a suit case down on the floor, getting to her tippy toes to kiss his dad on the lips.

  Today was the day they were moving in, which is why his dad was so antsy. Theo was just happy he got to miss a week of school for this. When the door opened wider, Theo was thrown for a loop when two boys similar to Theo's age walked in. The taller one had black shaggy hair against dark olive skin, his green eyes popping against his obviously dyed hair. He was pretty muscular, looking as if he worked out as a hobby. The short one was a couple inches taller than Theo, he had platinum blonde bearing silver hair that was short and gelled up. His eyes were a deep ocean blue popping against light olive skin. Both of them took Theo off guard.

  "Oh, these are my sons, Ezra and Austin. They should be about the age of your son." Mary Jane says, looking over at Theo.

  His dad shot back, throwing a hand over his shoulder. "Ah, this is my son Theodore. But he goes by Theo." He explained.

  The brothers looked over at him for a few seconds before finding interest in the house. Theo bit his lip, feeling uneasy. "Nice to meet you." Theo says, despite the unwelcoming brothers.

  Mary Jane smiled. "I've heard a bit about you. It's nice to finally meet you." She looked at his dad with a smile. "We have a lot to talk about, dear."

  He nodded, turning to Theo who was fiddling with his jacket zipper. "While we talk and the movers get things in, why don't you show Ezra and Austin around the property."

  Theo physically deflated where he stood, seeing Ezra and Austin share a look with him as well that looked mixed between "ew why him" and "let's ditch him" and Theo was fine with this. He nodded.

  "Sure. We can start outside if you guys want." Theo says, walking towards the door.

  Austin, the silver haired one, sighed. "A property tour, sounds exciting." He groaned out sarcastically.

  Theo rolled his eyes once he was turned away from them, walking out onto the porch, he heard the door close behind him, suddenly getting the anxious feeling in his stomach. He slowly made it down the steps onto the grass.

  Turning towards them he noticed they were a bit back, talking to each other. That irked Theo slightly. "This is the front of the house and behind we have our land. Beyond that is the forest. Its private property so we aren't allowed to go out there." Theo says, pointing behind the house.

  Ezra and Austin shared a look before folding their arms. "You can drop the tour. We are away from our parents." Ezra shot.

  Theo lifted a brow. "I was told to give you a tour. So I'm giving you a tour." Theo shot back.

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