Adjustment & Nightmares

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Its been a few days since Ezra stepped up to being Alpha and so far it is going well. Though with all this responsibility on his shoulders, Theo and Ezra haven't been able to spend time together. It wasnt a big deal but the spark not having its other half was starting to take its toll on Theo. With Ezra not being able to sleep in the bed, Theo hasn't been getting sleep because of some Nightmares and his upset stomach was preventing him from keeping food down.

  Right now, Ezra was taking care of some buisiness with a group of wolves with him while Theo was nodding off on the couch of the main pack house since no one was really there.

  With no one to bother him, he finally slipped into unconsciousness.

  *His Nightmare*

  Theo snapped awake, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. He was still on the couch, but something felt different. Looking around he finally spotted it. The blood on the floor. He shot up, running to see who it belonged to, but couldnt seem to find them. Gulping he made his way to the door. He reached for the handle slowly, his heart pounding in his chest. He gripped the handle and swung open.

  He was greated by Derek and Juan along with... Jayson. Was he a wolf too? Jayson shot forward and grabbed a fistful of Theo's hair, dragging him to the couch, he threw Theo's top half over the back of the couch, shoving his hand down Theo's pants.

  He bent down, close to Theo's ear. "No one here to stop me now, princess. I can fuck you anyway I want." He whispered.

  Theo felt violated and all he could dow was scream and fight.

  Theo squealed, snapping himself awake, he quickly shot his head around, seeing he was still alone in the main pack house. Theo shivered where he lied, his body growing exhausted. He pulled his new phone out, seeing the time was only 1:32 A.M. he was only asleep for 15 minutes.

  He heard the door being fiddled with and his whole body froze. He watched as it opened revealing Sage and Reid. Reid immeidately locked eyes with Theo, scoffing at his presence.

  Theo gulped. "What are you doing here? Don't you have your precious Alpha to chase?" Snapped Reid, though he regretted it when he saw just how tired and scared Theo looked. He rolled his eyes, disappearing into the Kitchen.

  Theo wished he could be with Ezra but since he's been so busy, Theo can't. He sighed, getting up from the couch, but all his lack of sleep and food seemed to hit him. His knees locked up and he collapsed against the table, knocking over his glass of water. His breathing picked up as he placed his hand down, cutting his palm opened on the broken glass.

  He heard footsteps and to his surprise it was Reid. "What the hell happened?" He asked, taking in Theo. Sage was right behind him. Reid dropped to his knees, reaching for Theo who flushed red. "I think he's sick." Says Reid.

  Sage smelled it when she reached to grab Theo, her whole body shivered. "Whats that... sweet smell?" She asked.

  Reid shrugged. "Its coming from Theo but we should probably get him to his cabin and patch this up. Help me Sage."

  Just as they were about to pick him up, the door opened, revealing Austin who looked beat. When he looked over he knitted his eyebrows.

  "Whats wrong?" He asked.

  "I think Theo is sick." Says Sage.

  Austin stepped forward, shooing Reid and Sage away. It was then the smell hit him. Hes heard about this from Alfie and suddenly Austin knew what he needed to do. He gathered Theo in in arms and quickly started for the door. He paused at the front, turning to them.

  "Thank you for taking care of him." He said, before disappearing outside. He made his way to the back cabin, also realizing others were noticing the smell as well. When he was in the cabin, he made sure to lock the door behind him. He looked down, noticing how flushed Theo was. He cursed, heading upstairs, he made sure to place Theo down on the bed. Theo immediately cradled his arm to his chest.

  "Wait here Theo, i'll go get the first aid kit under the sink." He said disappearing into the bathroom. He grabbed his phone as he was in there and called Ezra. He didnt answer. Austin put his phone away and grabbed the first aid kit. He made his way to the bed, the smell finally easing down the closer he got to Theo.

  He bent down, grabbing Theo's hand and starting to clean it. Theo watched through tired eyes as he cleaned it. "Where is Ezra?" He finally asked.

  Austin paused mid wipe, looking up at Theo. "Hes doing a lot of Alpha work. I reckon we won't see him for a few days.

  Theo grew sad. "Oh... okay. Thank you for telling me." He pouted, as Austin outlet out skme gauze and medical tape.
  "Are you doing okay? You look rundown." Observed Austin, dressing Theo's wound.

  Theo shrugged. "Lately I've been having nightmares. They are quite persistent. I haven't gotten much sleep." He explained.

  Austin was done, he sat back. "What kind of nightmares?"

  Theo gulped, bringing his hand back to his chest. He sighed. "It was uhm... about Juan and Derek taking me and then... Jayson violates me." He said, choking on the last bit.

  Austin scratched the back of his head. "You dont have to be scared of them. You are here, one of the safest places. Plus you are the soulmate to an Alpha. You shouldn't be so timid." He explained.

  Theo smiled. "Thank you for that." He whispered. "Im uh... going to try to sleep."

  Austin nodded. "Ill be downstairs if you need me." He said, reaching down, he ruffled Theo's hair before retreating iut the door. He made sure to keep it cracked, so that if anything happens he can know.

  He just hopes this smell doesn't get too intense while Ezra is away. That would mean a lot of trouble. For everyone.

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