Taken Away

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Telling the Pack wasn't difficult. Most of them understood for the most part, but there were some who didn't like the sound of it. Still, no one left after the news was dropped. Theo considered that a plus. It's been about 2 days since then. His backside wasn't hurting anymore and they haven't run into any trouble. On another positive note, BloodRose agreed to be their Ally against the fight with Defiants Pride. Em said she practically Begged for it and he complied.

  Ezra has been busy talking with Garrett, the leader of Bloodrose, while Em and Ty kept Theo company. Today though, it was time for resupplying the pack house. Ty and Theo offered to take it upon themselves to go.

  "Are you sure?" Ezra asked as Theo threw on his shoes.

  "Yeah. I'll be fine. I have Tyler with me. He's a wolf." Theo reassured, standing to his feet.

  Ezra got an unwelcome feeling in his stomach, stepping forward he placed a hand on Theo's cheek, bending down to catch his lips. Theo obliged, standing on his tippy toes to secure the kiss more. He pulled away.

  "If it will make you feel better, I will leave the ring here. That way they won't sense it on me and we can be stealthy." Theo says, taking the ring off his neck and placing it into Ezra's palm.

  Ezra sighed a relief. "It does make me feel better." He kissed Theo on the forehead. "I still feel uneasy, but we need to resupply. Make sure to be careful."

  Theo nodded. "Understood." He let Ezra go, jogging over to Ty who was standing by the door.

  "We will be back in a little bit!" Theo announced, blowing a kiss to Ezra and waving bye to the others. Once out the door, Ty and Theo made their way to the cars, getting in and whiping out of the Pack house.

  They didn't say much the entire ride, instead they sat in comfortable silence with the GPS spouting directions and Spotify playlist radio. When they made it to Costco, Theo got out, fixing the hoodie he stole from Ezra. Tyler yawned.

  "So what exactly are we here for?" Asked Ty.

  Theo reached into his pocket, grabbing out the list, handing it over to Ty. Reading through it, he groaned. "Thats... a lot of shit. No wonder everyone in Lighthide is thick." He teased.

  Theo scoffed, snatching the list from him. "We are here to shop, not talk trash on Lighthide." Theo barked, folding his arms. Upon entered, Ty flashed his Costco card and they went to shopping. For the most part he was able to find all the things on the list except for one which was in the farthest isle.

  "If you don't mind me asking, have you endured your first heat yet?" Ty asked.

  Theo paused in the middle of the secluded store area, turning to face Ty with his cheeks bright red. Ty smirked. "Oh really?! Duuuude! You have had sex with him already?"

  "I couldn't help it! Heats are insanely painful!" Theo squealed, throwing a box of chips at Ty's head.

  Ty dodged it, folding his arms. "Was it magical though? How many times did you frickle frack?"

  Theo's face deepened to the point his neck and ears turned red. "Uhm... 4 times." He whispers.

  Ty's eyes widened again, holding back a choked laugh. "You... seem so innocent but... deep down... you are a horn dog, Theo!" He managed to get out through painful, held back laughter.

  Theo rushed over to him, slapping him multiple times In the chest. "Knock it off, Ty! We need to focus!" He whined, turning away from Ty and shoving the basket forward in rage.

  "Man that was a good laugh. I haven't laughed that hard in a minute." Ty said.

  "Well I'm glad you got a good laugh out of my sex life. Now can we focus on finding the last item so we can get back to Lighthide?" Theo asked, turning down another isle.

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