What It Means To Lead

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Theo was dressed and plopped on the bed, staring at the fancy canopy that draped the side of the bed. He heard the door open, turning his head to see Ezra walking in. He shot up, clearing his throat.

"Sorry, didnt mean to startle you." He said.

Theo shook his head. "You didnt. I just wasnt expecting you in here." Theo said, scooting down the bed to make room for Ezra. He sat down in the spot Theo made.

"I came to check on you." He said, his eyes traveling to the swollen and exposed bite mark on Theo's shoulder. It made him angry seeing Theo injured. Mainly his inner wolf.

"I'm doing okay. My head is still spinning from everything that has happened today." Theo says honestly, bringing his legs up, scooting back against the headboard. He sunk down, looking up at the canopy once again. "Everytime I think about that day I followed you, that's when everything really changed for me." He explained.

Ezra snorted. "It changed for me as well. If we never touched, I wouldnt be able to say I'm an Alpha."

Theo glanced over at him, not able to help himself as he took in the curves of Ezra's lips. Everything in his body was telling him to kiss him. A spark jolted through his body and honestly he was too tired to fight it. Theo slowly leaned forward, getting on his hands and knees, he crawled the short length of the bed to Ezra.

Ezra looked over at Theo, lifting a brow at him. Everything happened so fast and it took both of them by surprise.

Theo closed the space, bringing his hands up, he cupped Ezra's cheeks, smashing his lips with his. With Theo's lips on his, Ezra couldnt seem to hold his inner wolf in. He wrapped his hands around Theo's back, crawling up he dropped Theo to the bed, crawling on top of them, their lips still connected.

Theo was overcome with the sparks lust that it made his head thump. He closed his eyes, allowing Ezra to take the lead. Ezra pressed his tongue to Theo's lips, awaiting for their surrender. Theo opened his mouth, allowing their tongues to slide together, almost dancing. Theo wrapped his arms around Ezra's neck, bringing his body closer to his.

Lost in the moment, Theo started grinding against Ezra's leg and that's what snapped Ezra out of it. He pulled back. "Wait... wait." He says breathlessly.

Both of them panted heavily, taking in the moment they just had. Theo opened his eyes, staring into Ezra's green eyes. "We cant go any further than this. Not yet." Ezra said.

Theo gulped, nodding. "I agree." He said.

Ezra peeled himself away, sitting back in his original spot. Theo sat up, still in a daze after that moment. Both of them didnt know what to do or say. They just sat there for a couple minutes processing what exactly happened.

Ezra cleared his throat. "You should get some sleep. We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow." He croaked.

Theo reached over, grabbing Ezra's arm. "Will you fall asleep with me?" Theo asked.

Ezra smiled. "Sure." He got up, taking off his shirt, before walking over to the light. Theo crawled into bed, throwing the comforter over him. When the light shut off, Theo heard the floorboards creak and the bed next to him dip. Theo immediately felt safe when Ezra's arm wrapped around his waist.

Not realizing hie tired he was, Theo wrapped his arm on top if Ezras before succumbing to sleep within minutes.

* * *

When Theo woke up the next morning, the first thing he noticed was that he was extremely hot, sweating under the heat. The second thing was the fact he was laying his head on something solid. Looking up he realized exactly why.

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