Unforeseen Plans

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Sinking into the couch, Theo couldn't stop his fingers from drumming against his coffee mug, impatiently waiting for Ezra to come back from shopping. He was alone in their cabin, and the silence was getting to him. He hated it, and it made him irritable that he didn't have something to distract him.

it's been like this for the past 3 days cause all he's been wanting is sex. He'll admit it. Now that he has had a taste of it, he craves it. The feeling of Ezra's hands all over his body, the kisses and the unbelievable orgasms. He just wants to jump Ezra's bones but he knows he cant. At least not right now.

Letting out another frustrated exhale, Theo got up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen. He placed the mug in the sink, but the sound of glass shattering from upstairs made hole whole body jump. Turning towards the sound, his stomach dropped at the sound of footsteps creaking across the upstairs room.

Their bedroom.

The door to the bedroom flew open and a smell he's unfamiliar with, wafted around the room. Theo booked it for the door, his adrenaline skyrocketing as the footsteps quickened down the stairs. Theo grabbed the doorknob and flung it opened, running put into the pack grounds.

Arms grabbed as his shirt, the fabric audible ripping at the stretch as he is pulled to the ground, his back smacking the dirt, knocking the wind out of him. He struggled to catch his breath all the while the person straddling his hips blurred into veiw. The man had long brown hair with bright green eyes peering at him with an uneasy calm. Theo couldn't quite make out what his face looked like due to a mask that covered from the bridge of his nose down to his chin.

Slowly gaining his breathing back, Theo fought against the man who was fighting to grab his shoulders. Suddenly hands were wrapped around his neck and the breath Theo had just caught, was gone again. The hands were rough, calloused as they pressed against his windpipe, not allowing an ounce of air through.

Theo could see the corners of his vision darkening, knowing damn well he was losing the fight. Hands appeared on the man's shoulders and was yanked off of him. Theo took in a desperate gulp of air, turning over onto his side, hacking and coughing as he greedily took in the welcomed air.

"Are you okay?" That voice was Mathew's as he rubbed circles on Theo's back.

Theo nodded, looking up to see Austin wrestling with the mountainous man as he fought back, flailing his arms like a mad man. He managed to elbow Austin in the ribs before Moses managed to tackle the man to the ground.

Theo got to his feet, thanks to Mathew, rubbing at his sore throat. Austin scoffed, reaching over and pulling the mask down.

"I fucking knew it! Rob what the fuck are you doing on our pack lands?!" He demanded, raw emotion in his voice.

The man, now known as Rob, only growled in response. A car pulled up and one look to the left revealed Ezra opening the door and running towards this unsightly scene going down. When his eyes spotted Theo's neck, his gaze grew increasingly cold and dangerous, narrowing on an icy glare.

"What the fuck happened?" He growled out, looking to Austin for a fill in.

"I saw Theo running out of his cabin and this huge man chasing him. The next thing I know this man is straddling and strangling Theo. Come to find out it's fucking Rob." Austin gestured to the man who was now calmingly glaring at Ezra while being pinned to the ground by Moses' foot.

Ezra returned the flare. "The fuck are you doing strangling my mate?" He asked through clenched teeth.

Rob only smirked. "I thought it'd get your attention and it did. Now I have both of my sons undivided attention."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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