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A week has passed since their argument and Theo was starting to develope morning sickness. Though he refused to tell Ezra that since they haven't spoken since yesterday which was a brief conversation about a meeting today.

  Currently, Theo was hunched over the toilet, sweat dripping from his forehead while the door remained closed. He's been in this position for nearly 30 minutes, afraid that any small movement will involve him throwing up. His stomach was going crazy, and his nausea seemed to be at full development today.

  A knock at the door startled Theo and he clammed up, putting a hand to his mouth to prevent the throw up from coming up.

  "Theo, you in there?" It was Austin.

  Relief flooded him and Theo immediately hunched over the toilet and spilled his guts out. The door threw open and he felt hands rub in between his shoulder blades. Confident more wasn't coming out, Theo sat back against the shower, arm still resting on the toilet.

  He looked up at Austin who had a face of worry plastered on his expression. "Morning sickness has arrived." Theo breathlessly told him.

  Austin let out a small chuckle, sitting back on the bathroom floor with his back against the wall. "And you haven't told Ezra yet?"

  Theo blushed bright red, shaking his head as his hand rubbed his mouth. "We are in a fight. I didn't think it would be necessary."

  Austin folded his arms against his chest. "You two need to settle this now. It's getting ridiculous. It's been a week already."

  Theo groaned, getting up and flushing the toilet. He started to wash his hands. "I have nothing to apologize for. Ezra was the one who blew up on me. He should apologize first."

  Austin laughed. "Now you are just being petty."

  Theo went to retort, but the door to the room burst open, revealing a scout, out of breath and a face of anger. "You two are needed at the main house." He snapped.

  "Whats wrong Alec?" Austin asked, as Theo grabbing his crutches amd foollowed down the stairs behind Austin.

Alec scoffed. "We got another warning from Defiants Pride. They said if we don't surrender, they will take it forcefully from the one you wish to protect. That's exactly how he words it."

  Theo felt a shiver run down his spine and pain tingle under his cast. Remembering his time there and sitting in pain for nearly a day with a broken leg, brought tears to his eyes.

  Theo jumped to a hand on his shoulder, seeing Em was there next to him. He felt himself relax, offering her a tired smile as they made their way to the main house.

  Upon entering, Theo was taken aback by the amount of people or...  lack there of. Only Ty, Alec, another scout by the name of Jr., Austin, Em and Theo. Ezra was standing just by the fireplace, though he seemed to be avoiding eye contact as soon as Theo entered.

  "Whats going on?" Austin asked.

  Ezra handed the note to Austin as Theo was helped onto the couch. Theo held his hand out for the note, which Austin gave when he was done.

  The note read: Dear Lighthide,
    I hate to inform you, but by taking the key from me, you have chosen war. Alfie took it of his own will, but alas, he is not amongst us anymore. So I give two options. Hand over the ring, or I take what is precious from you. I hear I'd be taking not only him but his plus one. Be smart, Alpha Ezra. You have 3 weeks to decide.

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