One Falls Another Rises

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With the Night quickly ending and the sun rising, everyone took this break to start cleaning up the place and tending to the wounded. Lisbeth was tending to Theo, washing his arms and pulling out all of the glass particles around his body. Theo on the other hand was checked out, looking off into the distant with a blank look.

Everyone had that look, most of them quiet. When Austin, Howard and MJ showed up, they were startled at the scene. Especially Howard who was just filled in on what exactly MJ and her family were. He took the news rather well until he arrived.

As Lisbeth finished wrapping him up, Howard entered and Theo immediately was brought back to life. He felt tears spill as he shot up, tackling his dad with an embrace. Howard didn't know what to think, looking at a shirtless Theo with bandages all over his body.

"He's fine. He will be in shock for a couple hours and he had a lot of glass particles in his body from being dragged on the ground next to broken windows." She explained. "Its been a long night for all of us." She said, leaving the room.

"Thank you, miss." Howard said, gripping Theo close. He looked down at Theo, feeling a certain way watching him cry in his arms.

"How is he?" MJ asked, walking into the kitchen.

Howard sighed, shaking his head. Ezra came in, seeing Theo and Howard hugging. He shoved his hands into his pocket, sighing. "I'll take him. He needs rest." Ezra said. "We'll uh... talk about everything once things settle down."

Howard nodded. "Take care of him." He said, kissing Theo on the forehead before handing him off to Ezra who decided to carry Theo bridal style to the cabin.

"I will. Can you help around?" He asked.

Howard nodded. "Of course. I'll help your mother with whatever she needs." He explained.

Ezra nodded, turning away from them and making his way out of the room. Theo wrapped his arms around Ezra's neck, keeping close to him as they walked past members of the pack eyeing them. Ezra clutched Theo close as they made their way to the cabin.

When they entered, he brought Theo upstairs to the bed. When he set Theo down, Theo refused to let his neck go.

"Stay with me." He whispered, his voice broken.

This made Ezra's inner wolf whimper at his voice. He sighed. "I will. Just let my neck go." He says, softly.

Theo slowly let him go, watching Ezra like a hawk as he crawled into the bed, kicking his shoes off. Theo flipped around in the bed, cuddling up close to Ezra's chest. They remained like that for a good couple minutes in silence, until Theo spoke.

"They know I have the ring." He whispered, looking up to catch Ezra's eyes. "The two who attacked me, got away. What if they come back?"

Ezra bit his lip, bringing his hand up, he brushed Theo's hair out of his face. "If they come back, we will be ready."

"Alfies gone... does that make you... Alpha?" Theo asked.

Ezra nodded. "It does. And since you are my spark it makes you a leader too. You don't have to step up to the plate right away. You can slowly make your way up to a spot you are comfortable with." Ezra explained, wrapping his arms around Theo.

Theo casted his eyes down, tracing the outline of his shirt with his hand. "I don't want to leave you to lead for yourself. The spark won't allow it." He looked up at Ezra once again. "Or maybe... I can't allow you too."

Ezra smiled. "You have had a hell of a week. Get some sleep." He bent his head down, placing a kiss on Theo's lips, before clutching him close. Theo snuggled close, not realizing how tired he was.

He fell asleep.

* * *

When he awoke, his body ached from all of the many cuts on his body. He groaned, looking up to see Ezra was still asleep but the sun was high in the room. He looked down at the exposed ring that sat on his chest. Quietly, without alerting Ezra he gripped the ring, taking a deep breath.

All of this happened because Alfie stole a ring. Now he was dead and that left him and Ezra to take over. That thought seemed to scare him more than the fact he had the ring. Theo sighed.

"You smell sweet, Theo." Says Ezra.

Theo looked up, seeing Ezra was looking at him through a half closed eye. Theo smiled lightly. "I do?" He asks.

Ezra nods. "Its a small amount but the smell is nice. I've never smelt it before." He says.

Theo knitted his eyebrows, wondering if that was because of his new found spark or not. Ezra smirked, clutching him close. Theo hissed, his injuries flaring up. Ezra quickly released him, sitting up.

"Sorry." He said.

"Its okay." There was a silence that rang as Theo sat up.

After a moment Ezra spoke. "We should probably go talk to the pack. Now that I am the new Alpha we need to see who will stay." He explained, sliding out of the bed.

Theo did the same, putting in some skinny jeans and a black Hoodie. He put his converse on before finally making his way downstairs. Austin was already sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

"You're here early." Says Theo, making his way to the couch.

Austin looked up from his phone, noticing the bandages. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better. A bit sore but thats too be expected." He explained.

"Did you call everyone to the Pack house?" Announced Ezra, making his way down the stairs.

Austin put his phone away, nodding. "Yeah they are all waiting. We lost 2 members though." He explained.

"Thats to be expected. I knew we would lose some." Ezra stopped next to Theo, grabbing for his hand. "Lets get going then."

They started towards the pack house, Theo looking down at their hands with a smile on his face. Austin knitted his eyebrows, leaning in close to Theo as they continued to the house.

"Hey Theo, are you wearing perfume or something?" He asked.

Theo shook his head. "No, why?"

Austin shrugged, looking away. "No reason. Its just you have a sweet smell coming off of you."

That was the second time someone has told him that. Was he giving off a different scent to wolves? Why was he smelling sweet?

With the question still lingering, they make their way into the house with the pack standing around. Ezra let go of Theo's hand as he made his way to the front of the room. Theo stayed close to Austin, noticing a few eyes on him. Ezra cleared his throat.

"As we all know, Alfie has passed on. But not before passing the Alpha position to me. I know a lot of you thought I was a Beta. I did as well, but Theo proved this wrong. Together we will help bring the new future of this pack. I will never replace Alfie, but I will try my best to do good. I hope you will stay and give me the chance." He smiled, seeing most of them cheer at his speech.

Theo got a happy bubbling sensation going in his stomach. He smiled, feeling pride at how much Ezra is stepping up. One Alpha may have fallen, but another one has risen and Theo couldnt be more excited about this new road.

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