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Ezra pulled into a parking lot after they stopped by the house to get dressed. This park Theo has only ever been to once with his mother. It was when he was very young but he remembers It all the same. He got out of the car, looking around to see it was nearly deserted.

  "This Park is where a lot of our pack hang out at night. During the day they dont like to come due to being visible." Ezra says, walking around the car to Theo's side. Theo smiled at him walking towards the path. Ezra followed.

  Theo continued to walk, not really wanting to run. He kind of just wanted to talk to Ezra about a few things. "Can I ask you something?" Theo asked, turning to look up at Ezra.

  Ezra shrugged. "Ask away."

  "Is your Mother, MJ a wolf as well?" Theo asked.

  Ezra nodded. "Yup. A little history lesson, we weren't always in Lighthide. My mother was married to the Alpha of  MoonCrest, a very small pack in the outskirts of Ohio. But when she found out her husband wanted to go to war with one of the biggest Clans in Tennessee, she decided to leave with My brother and I. MoonCrest is no longer a big clan. I dont even know if it even exists anymore. After that she found Alfie and joined his clan." He explained.

  Theo smiled. "You mom sounds so strong." He said.

  Ezra nodded.

  Theo gulped, clearing his throat. "If a clan has... let's say uhm... a marriage of two same sex's how does that happen?" Theo asked.

  Ezra lifted a brow, smiling at the question. "If an Alpha's mate happens to be a same sex marriage, it is looked upon as if it was any other marriage. Though because we are different we can impregnate both Males and Females. They just have to be mates in order to do so. Any normal human we cant." He explained.

  Theo shook his head. All this information seemed to circle his head. It was a nice change from thinking about Jayson. It was quite interesting hearing about Ezra and Austin's life. It made him extra happy that his father remarried such an interesting woman.

  "Well that certainly is... interesting." Theo says. "I'm gonna uhm... start jogging." He says, not waiting for an answer as he started picking up his pace from jogging.

  Ezra smiled, watching his Jog turn into a run into the distance. That's when he got a whiff of something he wasnt expecting. He glared, stopping his walking, looking around.

  He scoffed, spotting Allen, the second hand to to Gilbert, leaders of the Defiants pride. That's when it struck Ezra that Theo currently held their ring. He cursed under his breath, taking off after Theo.

  Theo looked behind him, noticing Ezra catching up to him, his expression saying everything. Theo slowed his run to a stop. Ezra appeared beside him, grabbed Theo's arm. "We... need to get going. Now." He warned.

  Ezra quickly shot Theos head to his chest, hiding his face as they walked towards the car. Theo didnt quite understand what was happening, but decided to go along with it. When Ezra shoved Theo into the car, he quickly turned, spotting Allen watching them. He glared, getting into the car.

  Theo finally spotted who Ezra was looking at, their eyes connecting. Theo gulped, watching the smile appear on his face. Ezra slid in, immediately pulling out and onto the road. "Who was that?" Theo asked.

  "Defiants Pride. Damn bastards know better than to step foot in our territory." Ezra snapped.

  "Where are we going?" Theo asked.

  "The pack house. I have to tell Alfie that Allen stepped foot here." He explained.

  "Can you uhm... drop me at home first?" He asked.

  Ezra lifted a brow. "Why?"

  "I just... want to be home right now. I've uh... kind of had enough today." Theo says. In all honesty, he wanted to get away from the weirdness and go for a walk by himself. He needed some "me" time, not go where he knew he wasnt wanted.

  "Sure. I'll drop you." He said.

  Theo thanked him. As they pulled into the driveway, he parked. Theo nodded, stepping out of the car. "I'll see ya when you get back." Theo says.

  "Stay inside. With Defiants Pride prowling and since you have their trinket they will be looking for you." Ezra warned.

  Theo shook his head in understanding, closing the door and making his way up to the house. When he turned to make sure Ezra was gone, he saw him already down the street. Theo sighed, turning away from the door and walking down the steps. He shoved his hands into his jacket, walking down the side walk. Finally he had alone time.

  He walked through what he has been through in the short amount of time. His step-brothers are werewolves and so are his friends hes known for years. Jayson came back into his life as well which was a very unpleasant surprise. Then there's the fact he was now the holder of a trinket that caused a clan war. What has his life seriously become?!

  Theo turned down the street and it was then he noticed someone was following him through his peripheral vision. Theo gulped, picking up his pace, hoping to lose whoever it was by circling back around the secret way to his house.

  He quickly peaked over his shoulder, noticing whoever was following him picked up their pace as well. Theo gasped, pretending to not notice him. He turned again, taking a quick left down the alley of three fenced houses. His being one of them. He quickly hid behind a trashcan, peaking out to see the man walk right past it.

  The hoodie looked familiar to him and after a moment it dawned on him. He used to wear that hoodie when he was at Jayson's house. It was Jayson that was stalking him. This made his stomach drop as he shot up, climbing the fence to appear in his big back yard. He dropped, running to the back door. He locked everything up, before quickly retiring to his room.

  He crept over to his window, noticing Jayson staring at his house intensely before walking away. Theo sighed, collapsing to the floor against his windowsill. Now he had a stalker to worry about?

  Yet he asks, why him?

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