Dr. Visit

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Theo peeled his eyes opened, not realizing he actually fell asleep last night. Upon waking up, he felt a hard chest under his cheek and hands. Allowing his head to tilt up slightly, his cheeks colored at the sight of Ezra's sleeping face.

  His nose was scrunched up slightly and his mouth was opened a small bit as his chest moved in a slow, rhythmic pattern. Theo smiled, snuggling closer, hoping to enjoy this moment, but the moment was ruined almost immediately.

  Nausea bubbled up in his stomach, feeling it in his throat. Theo threw the blanket off, ripping his arm out from under Ezra, not caring if he heard the tired groan of his boyfriend. He jumped out of bed and limped for the bathroom. He barely was able to lift the toilet just as the contents of his stomach hurled out of him.

  Theo felt his stomach constrict at this sudden movement, a soft cry escaping him.

  "Theo?" Ezra called from the bedroom.

  Another wave of yacking caught was Theo's response. Footsteps were in the room, and a warm hand that sent tingles down his spine started rubbing circles on his back.

  Confident he wasn't going to throw up anymore, Theo reached up and flushed the toilet before sitting back with the guidance of Ezra. Toilet paper was used to wipe his face but Theo didn't care. He just tried to calm his stomach.

  "Morning sickness. It only gets worse. That's the one thing about a soulmate with a werewolf, some of the side effects are heightened." He explained.

  Theo nodded. "Can you... can you grab me my toothbrush with some toothpaste on it and a cup of water?" Theo asked.

  Ezra smiled softly, planting a kiss on Theo's forhead. "Of course, love."

  Theo watched Ezra get up and prepare what he asked for. As he watched, his heart swelled a bit at the fact that they were acting like... a real couple.

  "Here you go." Ezra handed him the stuff and Theo quickly brushed his teeth, and gave it back to him. Ezra cleaned the toothbrush and the cup. "Are you ready to stand?"

  Theo nodded, holding out both hands for Ezra to grab. With force, he got up to his feet and leaned against him. Ezra chuckled, fixing them so that it was easier to get back to the bed.

  Ezra placed Theo on the edge of the bed, just as a knock on their bedroom door was heard. "Come in." Ezra called, taking a seat next to Theo.

  The door opened, revealing Austin, Mj and Theo's dad. Theo felt tears prick at his eyes almost instantaneously at the sight of his dad.

  Howard quickly closed the space between them, hugging Theo tightly. "Oh, sport. I heard about everything that happened. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you but I was in Chicago for a busin-"

  "I don't care. You're here now." Theo sobbed, hugging him tighter.

  "We called the hospital and got Theo an appointment. We need to get ready to take him." Mj says with a soft smile.

  Theo broke free of the hug, giving Mj a pointed look. "Appointment?"

  Mj's expression softened. "For your ultrasound and health check up." She explained.

  Theo felt his stomach drop slightly at that. "Isnt..Isn't it a little too early to... well... do an ultrasound?"

  Mj chuckled. "This is a checkup ultra sound. It allows the doctor to see how far along you really are and to see how many children are in there. Though with werewolves it's rare to have anything more than one." She explained, walking over and placing a gloved hand on Howard's shoulder.

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