Austin's Spark

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*Austin's P.O.V*

  Hearing the shower turn on, Austin was finally able to relax his tense shoulders. The situation he was in definitely wasn't helping with Theo pushing his positivity on it. He was glad Theo was there to keep him focused, but sometimes his gift to look on the bright side annoyed Austin just a little bit.

  Taking the glass of water he had filled up, he walked over to the coffee table and sat down, placing the glass next to him. Austin leaned against his palm, taking in the sleeping boy. His contorted into mild discomfort, crunching his nose as he slept. Instinctively, Austin reached down and brushed Mathew's long hair from his forehead, only to have wide yellow eyes snap open.

  Austin pulled his hand away, lifting both of them up in mock surrender. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to do that."

  Mathew shook his head, his tense body slowly relaxing against the couch. "Austin was your name, right? I'm sorry that I became your mate. It must be embarrassing having an Omega as your spark." He consoled, resting his head against the small pillow that was on the couch.

  Austin shook his head. "I'm not upset that my Spark is an Omega, I'm just... unsure of what the future will bring us." He clarified, getting down onto the floor and leaning with his back to the table so that he was closer to him.

"But... being an Alpha, you should be upset!" Mathew argued. "Thats... why aren't you upset?"

  Austin scoffed. "Why should I be? It's not your fault that you were born an Omega." He folded his arms, irritated with Mathew's argument.

  Mathew didn't say anything this time, but Austin could see tears forming behind those bright yellow eyes. A pang in his chest was felt and before his brain could catch up, he reached out and wiped a stray tear from Mathew's eyes.

  This released more of the tears and Mathew's whole frame shuddered. Austin wiped more away, before his hand landed on Mathew's hand. "How about we start off slow," he offered. "Whats your full name?"

  "Mathew Turner."

  "Cool, mine is Austin Silva. I'm 18 years old, and you?" He asked.

  "I just turned 18 about 5 months ago." He blushed, no longer concerned with the tears and instead seemed to be enjoying the conversation.

  "Damn, and here I thought I would be the older one," Austin jested, leaning back against the table again. "What do you do for fun? Like... a hobby, let's say."

  Mathew seemed to blush at this, hiding his face away, but the movement did cause him a flash of pain, and he groaned. "Well, I... I like to study birds and... flowers and plants. I found a liking to the forest as a child, so I studied wildlife while growing up."

  Austin chuckled. "Wildlife, huh? Could you, being a werewolf, have something to do with that love of forest as well?" He asked.

  Mathew nodded. "My parents abandoned me with my grandma, and she had a very big and spacious yard that connected to the forest, so I was able to escape reality while living there. Learning about mushrooms, trees, birds, flowers, plants; basically anything the forest had to offer, I studied it." The passion in Mathew's words made Austin smile warmly. He always loves hearing passionate people speak about their hobbies. Quite frankly, his hobbies were dull compared to Mathews,  though the only thing from Mathews words that rubbed him the wrong way was the "parents abandoning" him. Of course, he didn't want to pry, not right now anyways, but it did sit wrong with him.

"You sound so passionate about it. How about when you are cleared by Dr. Hall, we can go see what's around our Pack hideout." He offered.

  Mathew smiled, but Austin could tell it was tense. Austin sighed. "Do you not like doctors for a certain reason?" He asked.

  Mathew blinked. "What?" He asked, stunned at Austin question.

  Austin readjusted himself just a tad bit  closer to Mathew. "You clam up every time we mention a doctor, and you out right refused the hospital." Austin pried.

  Mathew looked down at his hands that were palms flat against the couch. Austin watched as he fisted his hands, grabbing some of the cushion.

  "I guess... since you are my Spark, you should know." He sighed. "I have a medical deformity that prevents me from having children. When Doctors find out, they shame me for it because I'm a 'defective' Omega and don't deserve a spark. It weighs on me constantly, and it's the reason I was never desired by any Alpha who wasn't my Spark. I don't go into heat." He explained, the shame evident on his face, and the pain swept across his eyes as he fell into deep thoughts.

  Austin lay his hand on top of Mathews in a comforting manner, squeezing slightly. "I'm glad you told me, but that doesn't matter to me. Having kids isn't that important to me. And just because you don't go into Heat and have a disorder does not make you defective. It makes you human. And trust me, Dr. Hall is nothing like those other ones. She's kind and caring. Just look at Theo. He is pregnant with twins, and he's also on Alpha supplements since he's newly turned. She didn't judge him one bit." Austin explained.

  Mathew furrowed his brow. "Supplements?" He marveled.

  Austin nodded. "It's a long story, one that I shouldn't share. If you are curious you can ask Theo himself when he gets back down." Austin informed.

  He knew Theo would want to tell the story himself, and he didn't want to put Theo's business out there, especially to someone he just met. They may be soulmates but no way would he ever willingly give information to someone they just met. That was one thing that rubbed him the wrong way was information that's meant to be shared by the person is shared without their consent.

  "Is he in the shower?" Mathew asked.

  Austin nodded. "He should be out by now, but who knows." The door to the cabin opened, startling Austin up off the floor and Mathew to snap a frightened look at whoever had entered.

  Austin physically relaxed, letting out an audible sigh if relief when it was Ezra who entered. He looked a mess, but with very little sleep Austin could understand why.

  "Hey, where's Theo?" Ezra asked, placing the keys on the counter. "This him?"

  Austin scratched the back of his head while his other hand rested on his hips. "Theo is in the shower, and this is Mathew Turner." He informed.

  Ezra softly smiled, bowing his head slightly. "It's nice to meet you." He greeted. "Dr. Hall should be here any minute. I called her while we were driving just in case you guys forgot to."

  "Thank you," Mathew chimed in. "And... I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused, sir." He mumbled, his eyes purposely looking to the cieling.

  Austin elbowed Ezra playfully. "You hear that 'sir'." Austin mocked.

  Ezra shooed him away. "Fuck off," he shoved Austin away playfully, turning back to Mathew. "Listen, you don't have to be so formal here. Especially since you are Austin's mate." He smirked.

  Austin rolled his eyes, but their banter was cut short when Theo emerged from the bedroom, his hair still dripping wet. When he spotted Ezra, his eyes lit up and his hand immediately landed on his stomach. It's then Austin remembered earlier about his bump and Ezra motioned for Theo to take Ezra back upstairs.

  Thankfully, Theo understood his meaning. "I want to show you something. Can you come upstairs for a second?" Theo insisted, beckoning Ezra excitedly.

  Ezra nodded and took off up the stairs. Austin looked back at Mathew to find him falling asleep yet again. Instead of waking him, he sat back down on the floor, and rested his head against the couch cushion.

  The only thing he could do, was wait.

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