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When he woke up, he could feel the bruises on his body from making  impact with the ground, trying to run from what he had just seen. They were clearly making themselves known and he didnt like it in the least. He always hated being in pain, hating the way it made his body feel. Sluggish.

  Slowly crawling out of bed, he grabbed for his phone to check the time, but surprise, surprise, it was dead. Grunting he reached for his phone charger and plugged it in, waiting in agony as it slowly turned on. Once it was the time read 3:24. Ezra and Austin were out of school which was just his luck as his stomach grumbled out in protest to not eating anything.

  Groaning he placed his phone on the nightstand, getting up he made his way to the door. Opening it, he peaked out, listening for any noise in the house. Nothing showed itself so he stepped out and slowly made his way down the stairs. He relaxed when he realized he was the only one home. Gripping his side he walked over to the fridge and opened it, grabbing for an apple and some orange juice.

  Pouring himself a glass, he leaned against the counter, thinking back at what exactly happened last night. He got lost in the forest at first, but then found where his step brothers snuck off too. Now though he wished he hadnt. Knowing his step brothers were wolves, let alone a part of a pack that was also wanted by two other packs made Theo feel a certain way.

  He heard the door knob twist and the door shove open, making his stomach drop. Ezra and Austin came in, both their eyes landed on Theo. Theo gulped, grabbing his apple and cup. "Good to uh... see you guys home. I'm gonna just head upstairs." He says, quickly walking to the stairs.

  A hand on his shoulder prevented him from walking forward, looking up to see it was Austin. He gulped. "Can I help you with something?" He asks.

  Austin nodded towards the gnarly gash on his forehead, squinting his eyes. "What happened to your forehead?" He asks.

  Theo chuckled, pointing at his hairline. "What this? I uh... hit my head on the corner of my night stand. I have done it before. No need to worry." He says. "Now if that was it I need to get upstairs." He says, not waiting for an answer.  He could feel their eyes burning a hole in his back, but he wasnt going to stay and converse. Especially knowing what they were.

  Theo snaked into his room, quickly shutting the door. He leaned on the door for a couple minutes before finally deciding what to do. He placed the glass and Apple down on his desk, opening his laptop he went to google, typing in what he had heard. The clans, which came up with ancient lore but no recent articles. Theo started matching them with lore if wolves but of course it was all ancient meanings that only provided him with theories and conspiracies that people had.

  Deciding to give up, he groaned, throwing his body back against the chair. He heard a knock at his door, and without thinking, walking over to shiver it open. Ezra and Austin stood there leaning against the door.

  "Do you want to get sick?" Asked Theo, closing his door enough so they couldnt see his computer screen.

  Austin smiles. "Want to go out with us tonight? We have some friends we'd like you to meet." He says.

  Theo raised an eyebrow at him, surprised they would even ask that since they didnt care for him as much as Theo was trying to avoid him. Especially Austin. He didnt like Theo and that was obvious. Getting a suspicious feeling in his stomach, he decided on sarcasm.

  "I'm sick in case any of it wasnt obvious. Maybe when I feel better. Now if you will excuse me I have to get back to dying in my bed." He said, quickly closing the door. He heard them sigh, standing there in silence before their footsteps started down the hall.

  Theo sighed, practically collapsing at the amount of weight lifting off of his body. He straightened up and made his way back to his computer, closing the tabs before shutting his computer. In that moment he decided to actually fall asleep, surrendering for the day.

  Clearing off his bed, he plopped into it, and before he knew it, he was asleep.

   The next day, Theo had no choice but to go to school, not failing to see Ezra and Austin watched his every move like a hawk. He was returning the favor as well which didnt settle well with Austin. Theo shrugged it off.

  When they were dropped off, Theo quickly put distance between them, going over to Em and Ty who were eyeing him from the flagpole. He immediately felt relieved seeing them, hoping they wouldnt mind hiding him from Ezra and Austin.

  "Thank god! I need you to keep me as far away from my step brothers as possible!" He said, running to hide behind Ty, who looked genuinely confused at Theo's action.

  Em lifted a brow. "And uh, why is that?" She asked.

  "I have been avoiding them." He looked over at Em, shaking his head. "Its a long story, one I dont wish to tell. Can you keep them away from me today or not?" He asked.

  Ty chuckled. "Gladly." He turned away from Ezra and Austin, shoving Theo towards the front door of the school. Theo glanced behind him, seeing Ezra and Austin were standing with one of the other people from that night. If Theo remembers correctly, his name was Moses.

  Theo looked away, entering the school, clearing his throat. "I feel like I should have stayed home." Theo said, getting a bubbling sensation in his stomach.

  Ty knitted a brow. "I know that look. Do you need the bathroom?!" He shouted.

  Without responding, Theo ran for the closest bathroom, immediately going for the first stall and emptying his contents. The events of what he really saw plus the presence of Moses to confirm he wasnt hallucinating seemed to be too much. He had no choice but to empty his stomach.

  He leaned his head against his arm, slouching away from the toilet. He heard the door open, but he was too busy trying to calm his anxious stomach to care who came in.

  Though he wished he did. Feeling a hand on his shoulder, Theo sighed. "I'm fine Ty. I think I'm still sick." He whispered, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

  "I think you are too." That voice snapped him out of it. Gasping he shot his head up to see Austin held his shoulder with Ezra and Moses standing behind him. "Maybe we should take you home." Austin says.

  Theo panicked. He didnt know why he didnt just keep his cool, probably because he felt trapped. Trying to scoot away he gulped. "N-no I'm fine. You can just leave me." He stuttered, trying to stand up. When he was on his feet he looked over at Ezra. "Seriously. I'm okay." He turned to flush the toilet but when he turned back to face them, all he saw was a fist knocking him out.

  Everything going black.

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