"Sibling Bonding Time"

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It was midnight by the time Theo decided to turn off his computer and retire to his bed and instead pulled out his phone. Scrolling through, he heard creaking out in the hall, causing him to freeze. Closing his phone, he slowly lifted his head, listening closely out in the hall. More creaking was heard and Theo finally got out of bed, walking softly to his cracked door. Peaking through it, he spotted Ezra and Austin both in a hoodie and sweat pants, slowly closing their bedroom door.

Theo raised an eyebrow, wondering what they were doing so late. "Are you sure everyone is asleep?" He heard Ezra whisper.

"I'm pretty sure. The light went off in Theo's room." Austin whispers back.

"Alright then let's go, the others are waiting." Ezra snapped.

Hearing this conversation, Theo started going through shady scenarios his new step-brothers were into and honestly he had the sudden urge to follow them, but knew it was a bad move. So instead he bit his lip and turned away from his door, retiring to his bed. Fighting his curious side, he forced himself to fall asleep and to his surprise, it actually worked.

When he awoke it was 9 in the morning and the smell of freshly brewed coffee assaulted his nose. Getting up out of bed, he changed into black shorts and a gray shirt, making his way into the hallway. The events from last night came back and as he passed their room, he heard soft snores. He rolled his eyes.

He made his way down the stairs seeing his dad and MJ were nowhere to be seen. Looking out the window he noticed the cars gone and sighed. He poured himself a coffee, pouring some sugar and creamer into it as he sat at the island, pulling out his phone to see Em and Ty had texted into the group chat.

Em: its Saturday, y'all. Let's go to the amusement park?!

Ty: dude I'm down. Its family reunion at my house. Its hell *puke emoji*

Em: yes! What about you Theo? Sent at 8:34 am.

Theo sighed. He didnt mind getting out of the house, but he also knew what his dad was going to say if he asked. To make sure Ezra and Austin wanted to go for some 'sibling bonding' time. He groaned.

Theo: sounds fun. But knowing my dad I may have to ask my step brothers if they want to go. *sad face emoji*

Almost immediately, Em texted back.

Em: I wouldnt mind. I can scope them out myself and see if they really are dicks, haha!

Theo chuckled to himself, hearing the door from upstairs open. Theo turned his head, seeing Ezra and Austin both coming down the stairs shirtless with their sweatpants hanging low on their hips. Theo couldnt seem to pull his eyes away from Ezra especially, his eyes seemed glued to his abs.

When Ezra cleared his throat, Theo looked up, noticing Ezra was looking at him with an eyebrow raised. Theo blushed, snapping his head back towards his coffee, taking a big drink. When he placed the mug down, he lifted his eyes to see both of them leaning against the counter drinking black coffee.

They sat in silence until Theo decided to break it. Clearing his throat, he looked up at them, making sure his eyes stayed leveled with theirs instead of casting downwards.

"Do you have plans today?" Theo asked.

Both if them lifted a brow. "Why?" Austin snaps curiously.

Theo gulped. "Well it's Saturday and uhm... my friends and I are heading to the amusement park and I was wondering if you wanted to tag along?" He asks, taking a sip of his coffee.

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