What Did I See?

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When night time came, Theo changed into some black clothes. Making sure he was covered so he wouldn't get seen so easily. It was nearing midnight and Theo put his phone on silent, hearing his step brothers walking around the hall. He jumped up, creeping over to his door. He didnt open it until he was certain they were downstairs. Once they were he slowly stepped out and stood by the stairs, hearing them converse lowly, though to him it sounded like possession ghost whispering.

  When the front door opened and closed Theo rushed down the stairs and stood by the door, staring out the peephole he spotted the last little bit of Austin's head running around the house. He ran to the back of the house, shoving open the blinds to see them running towards the forest behind their house. It was restricted area for them, like he tried to tell them, but of course they didnt seem to listen. Once Theo was positive they weren't going to look behind, he slid out of the door and onto his patio, making his way towards the white fence, trying to hide in its shadow.

  He continued to jog, keeping as close as he can without raising suspicion. When they disappeared into the forest, Theo gulped. He didnt want to go into the forest. The 14 years hes lived in this house he has never been past the treeline. Sucking in a breath he stepped over the broke barbed wire fence and made his way into the forest. It was darker than he had anticipated the farther in he got. Crickets, birds and the occassional breeze through the leaves were all he heard. He squinted his eyes, trying to see if he could spot Ezra and Austin but to no lock.

  He continued on anyways, dodging rocks and fallen trees. He hadnt kept track of where he was going or how long he was until he reached a small clearing where a creak ran through. It was a small creak, but knew he had ventured too far. He stopped, looking back to see nothing. He felt anxiety and fear start to bubble up in his stomach as he searched around for any indication of which was he has come.

  "How dare you!" He heard someone shout in the distance.

  Sudden relief flooded him as he made his way towards the voice, which to his disdain, was deeper into the forest. He was careful not to make noise as he hunched over, seeing another small clearing and to his surprise, the moonlight filled it brightly and Theo could see at least 15 to 20 people standing around, Ezra and Austin included.

  He sunk to a squat position behind a tree, his head the only thing poking out. He saw some of them he recognized from school but others looked completely new to him. Ezra and Austin seemed to be conversing with a big tongan man who had half his head shaved with multiple tattoos.

  Theo gulped, coming out from behind the tree to get closer. He stepped behind a broken tree branch. He saw one of the females with brightly colored hair shift her gaze to where he once was. He ducked behind, careful not to get caught. Waiting another minute he slowly peaked out to see the woman was no longer looking.

  "No it was Bloodrose Pride. They were the ones who threatened me." Says Ezra, though Theo had to strain to hear all of it.

  The tongan man laughed. "Bloodrose? Those weak asses have nothing compared to us. They only have 36 pack members. We have 73. No one messes with Lighthide." He snapped.

  "Moses calm down." Jokes Austin. Who laughed at the mans words.

  Theo has never seen both Ezra and Austin look so at home before until today. It was almost like this was their family.

  Someone clapped their hands, getting all the groups attention. It was a man with slicked back silver and black hair. He wore a suit, with a Crest carved into the shoulder pad. Theo squinted to see what it was but he couldnt make it out even with the help of his contacts.

  "Brother and sisters I have some troubling news." He announces. "We are being pursued by one of the biggest clans, the Defiants Pride."

  "Why would a clan with over 200 come after us?" Asked someone in the crowd.

  The man shrugged. "I do not know. They say we have something they want. Soemthing we stole from them. So be on guard and I expect some patrollers at all times. We can discuss this back at the pack house." He shouted.

  Theo shrank back, knowing for sure he wasnt supposed to hear this speech. He gulped. He peaked through and what he saw made him wish he never followed.

  Most of the people were gone except for Ezra, Austin, moses, the man who gave the speech and two other females. They were talking in a group. Once the meeting was done, Theo saw them bend down, hunched over on the floor. He was confused at first until he saw fur coming out of Ezra. It was like watching a movie but in real life. They didnt shout in pain nor did they seem bothered by the fact they turned into wolves right in front of Theo. The clothes seemed to start shredding as the fur covered them. In seconds, Theo wasnt staring at humans and instead was staring at Wolves. He let out aloud gasp, shooting himself back. He saw the white wolf look back, and Theo scrambled up to his feet, taking off in the opposite direction.

  He didnt care where he was going, all he wanted to do was get away. As he was running he couldnt tell if someone was chasing him or if that was his paranoia, but he didnt look back, too scared of what he would see. As he continued running, he tripped over a rock and tumbled down, smacking his face and right side onto the floor, falling into the creak. He let out a loud scream as he quickly collected himself.

  He sat there for a minute, collecting his thoughts on what he had just seen. There were people who were wolves. There were clans these people are in. And it just so happens his Step brothers are wolves. All this wasnt sinking in. It stayed at the top of his mind as he got up and started jogging back to the house.

  When he emerged from the forest he noticed the horizon of the mountains which meant it was nearing morning sunrise. Grabbing his phone, he checked the time. 5:56. He was in there for almost all night. Jogging into the house, he quickly shoved upstairs and into his bathroom. When he looked in the mirror he curse. He had a few scrapes on his cheeks but the worst one was a scrape and bruise forming just shy of his hairline, most likely from the rock hitting his head. He took off his clothes and immediately jumped in the shower, his thoughts going wild.

  He thought back at what he had witness and honestly everything seemed to change. What exactly was that? Were two of those wolves really people living in this house?

  With these thoughts swarming, slowly sinking in, he got out and made his way into his room. Getting dressed into some warmer clothes, he plopped on the bed, hearing a knock on his door. Theo paled, not really sure if he was ready to face his step brothers yet.

  He heard the knock again, slowly sending him for the door. When he cracked it, careful to keep his injuries hidden, he spotted his dad standing in the hall with his pjs.

  "Hey sport, you doing okay?" He asks.

  Theo honestly wasnt. He was tired, injured and had a lot on his mind. School was the last thing he wanted to do. "No. I feel sick and just threw up. That's why I showered. Mind if I stay home?" He asks.

  His dad smiled, nodding. "Course. Need anything? Orange juice? Gatorade? Soups?" He asks.

  "N-no. If I feel like going I will grab some downstairs. Thank you." He says. His dad nods, before retiring back to his bed. Theo pressed his forehead to the door, sighing.

  He heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He shot his eyes opened, seeing it was Ezra and Austin. He paled, his eyes locking with Ezra. He looked skeptically at him and quickly without meaning to, he slammed the door, walking over to his bed. He plopped down, throwing himself back. He didnt know what to do and the longer he sat there the more his body ached to know about what he actually saw. Was his mind just playing tricks on him or did he really watch people turn into Wolves?

  Deciding a good rest would clear his head, he turned on his bed and immediately fell asleep. Though he had no idea just what this knowledge catapulted him into.

A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying this! I will update Rose of Amare hopefully by today or tomortow!

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