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It's been a week since Theo and Ezra have confessed that they love eachother and boy did that night certainly bring them closer. It's as if the words were some form of confirmation and now, they weren't as awkward with eachother as they used to be. Granted they were still concerned about the new direction of the pack but so far all they have been getting is support.

  Theo was out in the Pack for the first time yesterday and they all seemed to want to protect and praise him. Theo thinks a few still hate him, but so far, he's gotten positive feedback and feels happy about it.

  Though there is one thing that's been bothering Theo as of late and that was the coughing fits he developed last night. He tried to take cough drops and some medicine for it, but nothing seemed to work. He's felt sore and moody along with some chest pains. He hasn't brought it up to Ezra yet because he's been so busy with Alpha stuff. He just hopes it's nothing serious.

  Right now he was currently helping Austin with cleaning the main pack house. Most of the pack was off doing other things so it just left Austin and him to clean. Currently Theo was doing dishes.

  He didn't mind doing dishes, in fact he offered since it gave him some free time to think about things. Especially about his life. Like his inability to graduate high school and get into college. His lack of friends being around and Paul. He was finally able to think about Paul.

  He just couldn't believe that Paul was actually gone and the fact his family hasn't gotten closure. He was buried out in the woods where Defiant left him. It was frustratingly fucked up. All he knows is that Paul is missing to the whole community and here Theo was playing house with a pack of wolves. It disgusted him.

  "Hey, is everything okay?" Austin asked, peaking in from the livingroom.

  Theo realized he was no longer washing dishes, and instead was crying. Theo put the dishes down along with taking off the gloves.

  "Im thinking of Paul." Theo whispered, stepping away from the sink and sitting down at the table.

  "Oh, right." Austin came over and sat across the table from him. "Do you want to talk about it?"

  Theo shook his head just as a coughing fit started. "Is there any way we can find Paul's body and bring it somewhere it could be discovered?" Theo asked.

  Austin sighed. "It would take some time, but if it's what you would want we can certainly do it." Austin paused for a moment, shifting in his seat. "But I don't think it would be wise, at least not right now. That place is Defiant's hide out. We aren't exactly on good terms with them. We'd be killed for stepping into their territory."

  Theo deflated where he sat, coughing as he did so. "Its just... all sorts of messed up." Theo whispered.

  Austin reached over, grabbing hold of Theo's hand, gripping it gently. "Don't think about it too much. We will help him, we just aren't in a position to do so right now."

  Theo smiled sadly, placing his free hand on top of Austin's. "I know," he looked down at his stomach, breaking free from Austin's hold to rub his stomach. He only has the smallest bump which was enough for Theo.

  "Do you need anything?" Austin asked.

  Theo shook his head, placing his palms flat on the table and stood to his feet. "No, I'm going to head to the cabin. I suddenly don't feel too hot." He motioned to his stomach and mouth. "I feel queazy."

  Austin stood as well, "do you want me to accompany you back to the cabin?"

  Theo smiled softly. "That'd be nice, thanks."

His Step-brothers Are Wolves? [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now