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Theo groaned awake, his eyes fluttering opened to reveal a room he wasn't familiar with. He closed his eyes and opened them again, to make sure he wasn't dreaming. The walls were a rustic brown with gold door frames. The cieling a dark gray with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The bed under him had satin sheets and a comforter folded at the end of the bed. The pillows were stacked under his head as he tried to move.

  Sitting up, he hissed at the pain in his stomach, but soemthing else felt off. His neck felt tight. Reaching his hand up, he felt a dog collar on him, but noticed a bulky part of the collar with two cold pillars on his neck. A shock collar?

  The door opened, causing Theo to jump away, bringing his knees in close to him. In front of Theo stood 2 men. One of them was tall with salt and pepper hair. He looked to be in his late 40's with blue eyes and olive skin. He was in a silver suit and black vest to match his hair and beard. The one next to him had long blonde hair and looked to be about a year or two older than Theo. He was in a leather jacket with black skinny jeans. Now that Theo thinks about it, this was the same man that they saw at the park. The 2nd hand man to Gilbert. So we're these two... Gilbert and Allen?

  "You're awake. Good." Gilbert had a soft British accent to him, something Theo didn't expect.

  "Where am I?" Theo asked, his voice coming out a bit shakey.

  The man in the suit sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You are in the Defiants Pride Pack House. I am the leader of this pack, Gilbert Call. This is my son, Allen Call." Gilbert stepped forward, reaching into his pantsuit pocket, pulling Theo's phone out. He dangled it in front of Theo.

  "When he captured you, we intended to take the ring off of your out cold body. Imagine my surprise and rage I felt when it wasn't on you." He says in a low, menacing voice.

  Theo gulped, scooting back against the dark wooded headboard. "I... left it back at my pack house." Theo answered, swallowing hard.

  Gilbert clicked his tongue, turning his phone to him. "Call your leader. I won't ask again and you won't like the consequences."

  Theo looked at his phone for a hot minute, before grabbing it with unsteady hands. Opening it, he pulled up Ezra's number, and pressed call. Gilbert reached over, causing Theo to flinch as he pressed the speaker button. After 1 ring, the phone was answered. Theo felt relieved hearing Ezra's voice.

  "Theo? Is that you? Are you okay? Ty told me what happened. Did you manage to get away? Talk to me." Ezra begged, sounding slightly panicked on the phone.

  Theo looked up at Gilbert who nodded for him to continue. Theo did just that. "I uhm... I didn't escape, Ez." He could hear how thick his voice was. "I... got caught..."

  Gilbert decided to speak. "Its true. He is now in our presence and if you want him back, I suggest we do a trade. The ring for Theo. I mean I don't know why you would want a useless human back but I'm willing to do thi-"

  "Dont do it, Ezra! Alfie risked his life for it. I'll be fine!" Theo snapped, sending a death glare to Gilbert who was impressed. Theo didn't know if that was very brave of him or very stupid of him to blurt.

  The line was silent for a bit, until Ezra spoke up. "I will get you back, Theo. You can't hide from me since your my spark. I will get you back. And Gilbert, you so much as touch him, you will fucking regret it." Theo shivered at his voice. Hes never heard Ezra sound so threatening before.

  Gilbert laughed. "If you won't give me the ring, I will do what I please to your precious spark. He will be with me until I get my ring back. Who knows what he will endure while with me." Gilbert leaned closer to the phone, his piercing eyes staring straight into Theo's. "I wonder... what will happen if he ends up having sex with someone other than his mate... oh I know, he will throw up and be in pain. You have until a month to give me the ring back. The sooner you give it to me, the less your little lover suffers." Before Ezra could protest, Gilbert ended the call and snatched the phone from Theo's frozen hand.

  He smashed it against the brick wall, turning to Allen. "I dont fancy people who are too young for me. He's your toy until Ezra stops playing hookie." Gilbert says, leaving the room.

  Theo gulped looking over at Allen who sighed. "Well I'm not feeling you today. But you won't be able to leave this room. You will get fed twice a day and don't even think about trying to leave. The windows are barred and the doors lock from the outside. You are a trapped little mouse." Allen leaned forward, caressing Theo's cheek. Theo shivered, ptsd from Jayson flaring up as he slapped the hand away, hugging himself close.

  Allen chuckled. "Freak." He teased, leaving the room. Theo heard it lock and he shudders against the headboard. He just hopes Ezra finds him before anything else happens to him.

*Lighthide, Pack house*

  Ezra's bad feeling was confirmed when Ty came rushing into the house, a cut on his side and a few splinters of wood in his leg. He looked somewhat dazed, but what Ezra noticed immediately, was the lack of Theo by his side.

  Ty explained the entire story, and Ezra grew more and more pale. He paced the room, Austin, Em, Ty, Howard and His mom were standing in the middle of the main pack house.

  That's when his phone rang. Immediately he pulled it out of his pocket noticing that it was Theo. He answered it immediately.

  Everything that was said between that conversation, everyone currently present heard it. When it came to the part of Theo being defiled, everyone, especially Howard and Ezra growled in anger. Before they could shout more threatening messages, the call hung up.

  When he tried to call back, it went straight to voice mail. Ezra cursed.

  "They just don't give up, do they?!" Ezra growled.

  His mother punched the counter, angrily. "We have to get him back." She turned to Ezra and Austin. "Call for a pack meeting at once. Everyone to the main pack house now!" She barked.

  Ezra nodded, following the others out into the court yard. Upon entering the main pack house, he rang the call bell, and soon after, everyone started filing into the room. Ezra did a head count, confident that everyone was here. He cleared his throat.

  "I need help. Upon going on resupply, Tyler of Bloodrose and our very own Theodore was attacked." He heard growls and shocked gasps echo the room. His hands turned to fists, angry. "Theo was... kidnapped by Defiants Pride."

  Reid stepped forward. "What?! They got him and the ring?"

  "No. Thankfully Theo gave it to me before he left because he knew it would make me feel better. Right now, they are using him as a bargaining chip. His safe return for the ring. The longer we keep it from him... the longer they said he'd suffer."

  "Thats horrible! What are we going to do?!" Asked Asunie from the back.

  "Find him. He told me not to give up the ring, but at this point it would be better to just give it to them. It's more trouble than it's worth to keep it." Ezra says, opening his fist to reveal the one thing causing all these problems.

  Reid scoffed. "It may be causing all this misfortune around us, but what's to say they still won't attack us even after we give up the ring? They could take the ring and then attack us. Or they could take it and kill Theo. It would be better to just find out a way to save him. I may not have liked him when he first came here, but he's your spark. We need to do what we can to save him. So let's get to planning, Leader Ezra."

  Everyone cheered to that, except for a few who were still uneasy about everything. Ezra felt an overwhelming sense of pride to his people. He turned to his mother and Howard who nodded their support. Austin placed a hand on his shoulder. "We will get him back. Don't worry."

  Ezra nodded. "Right. First things first; A plan."

A/N: Hey guys the next chapter will be delayed a bit! Just letting everyone know ^-^

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