Some Good News

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Ezra shoved Theo gently into the bathroom, practically tripping Theo as he grips the sink for stability. Theo turned to watch Ezra shut the door, turning to the shower and turning it on. Theo stared at him in confusion as the air started to steam up after a moment.

"Do you want them to hear you?" Ezra whispered, stepping in front of Theo, who was impatiently holding his shirt.

"No," Theo responded. "I guess... not."

Ezra bent down and kissed Theo on the lips, catching him by surprise. Theo moaned, bringing his hands up to intertwine his fingers into Ezra's hair, pulling him in closer. Ezra chuckled when they pulled away.

"You weren't kidding about being horny," he teased, hovering his hand over the hard bulge in Theo's pants.

Theo groaned, bringing his hand up to cover his face. "Don't need to tease me."

Ezra smirked, bending down until he was on his knees, startling Theo. "Let's get this dealt with before you pass out."

Theo opened his mouth to respond, but only a surprised moan came out when he felt Ezra's tongue on his stomach, just above his pants. Theo reached down to grab Ezra's head, but Ezra stopped him. Getting to his feet, he wrapped his arms around Theo's hips and lifted him up onto the counter.

With his hands, he grabbed Theo's wrists and brought them back so that they gripped the edges of the countertop.

"This is a much better angle," Ezra whispered, bringing Theo's hips closer to the edge so that he was more exposed. He bent down and undid Theo's pants, pulling them away from his groin, giving him access to Theo's underwear.

Theo barely had a chance to brace himself, when he felt Ezra's tongue make contact with the head of his cock. Theo curled towards Ezra instinctively, but was pushed back by Ezra's hand on his chest. Theo groaned, his body aching for more physical touch.

Ezra chuckled, seeing the unbearable look on Theo's sweaty face. Ezra gripped the base and in one motion, took Theo in.

Theo's grip tightened against the counter and his back arched against the mirror. Ezra started to Bob his head, sending fiery signals up Theo's stomach, a moan bubbling its way out of his mouth. Theo brought both hands up to cup his mouth to keep the lewd sounds in. His cheeks stung with lust as he looked down, watching Ezra's head sensually drink him in. Theo felt tears appear at his waterline, the lust of his alpha hormones hitting him like a freight train. He couldn't breathe.

A strangled moan escaped, but because he anticipated it, the moan sounded distant. Ezra's hands pulled away from the base of his cock, moving with a feathered touch down his legs, until they landed mid thigh, squeezing and pulling them wider apart.

Theo couldn't hold it any more, he grabbed for Ezra's shirt and pulled him off his dick, bringing a confused Ezra to his mouth. His lips joined with Ezra's and he wrapped his hands around Ezra's neck, bringing him in so that he could grind his erection against Ezra's Jean's.

Ezra could feel the feral heat and wanting from Theo as he brought Ezra closer.

"Hold on, Theo." Ezra broke free, heavily breathing against Theo's lips.

Theo groaned, begging for them to continue, causing Ezra to hesitate. "Is this the hormones?" He asked.

Theo nodded, giving up as he dropped his head on Ezra's shoulder, squeezing his eyes shut. "I... can't think straight and now it's like... a flip has switched. I need this."

Ezra reached up and caressed Theo's neck, getting a reaction from the poor, horny man. Ezra bent down and nipped playfully at Theo's neck, getting an even more unintelligible response from him as Theo scooted his erection closer to Ezra.

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