Keeping it Secret

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Theo slowly opened his eyes, his head pounding as he groaned. Bringing his hand up, he slowly rubbed at his head, turning over on the bed. Wait... bed? Theo's eyes went wide, looking down at the bed he didnt recognize in a room he didnt know. Theo sat up, taking in the room he was in. To him it was like a log cabin, something Theo has only ever seen in movies. He shook his head, trying to recall what had happened the previous night. Of course he was coming up blank.

  He swung his legs over the side of the bed, slowly standing to his feet. To his surprise, the floor was cold under his bare feet, making him shiver slightly. Cautiously, he made his way over to the door, cringing when he would creak the floorboards. He didnt make it to the door when he heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

  "Shit!" Theo whispered loudly, looking around for somewhere to hide. Not having time to think it over, Theo jumps behind the door, just as it was thrown opened.

  Through the sliver he spotted Ezra and Austin standing on the other side. He knitted his eyebrows, wondering why exactly they were standing there.

  Austin smirked, turning around he closed the door, revealing Theo standing there like a deer in the headlights. "Goodmorning Theo." He said.

  Theo gulped. "What happened and why do I feel like I have been taken captive?" Asked Theo.

  Ezra folded his arms, looking like a parent about to scold a child. "You saw, didnt you?" Asked Ezra.

  Theo knitted his brows, deciding to play dumb. "What? Saw what?" He asked, totally not convincing.

  Ezra sighed, shifting his weight to his feet, unfolding his arms to shove his hands into his jean pockets. "Its no use to lie. Austin saw you that night." He said.

  Theo gulped, snapping his gaze to Austin who nodded. "You were not hidden at all." He teased.

  Theo closed his eyes, knowing he was caught. He cursed under his breath. Slouching where he stood. "Okay yes I saw." He groaned, walking around Ezra and Austin. "You were acting suspicious and I have a curious bone in my body so I followed you that night." He said, plopping down in the bed. "If I would have known what it was going to entail I never would have done it."

  "That would have been a smart move." He said. "Now we need to decide what to do with you, which means we need to talk to Alfie to figure out what to do with you." Austin said, walking forward, he grabbed Theo's bicep roughly, shoving him towards the door.

  Theo tried to protest but Austin wasnt hearing it. They made their way down the stairs, Theo immediately feeling the anxious pit in his stomach grow when he saw the amount of people stop what they were doing to look up at him. Theo gulped, picking up his pace so that he was right next to Austin, feeling like a doll behind glass.

  Austin shoved him through the sea of people until they made it to the big livingroom where the man he saw make the speech turned to face him. Austin stopped him in front of the man. Theo stepped back.

  "So your the human who saw us." He said. "You are the first, you know."

  Theo swallowed hard, gabbing a hold of his arm, shrinking in on himself.

  The man chuckled. "No need to be scared, young man." He said. "My name is Alfie. I am the pack leader of this lot." He said, pointing at the people behind him.

  Theo cleared his throat. "What I saw... your wolves, right?" He asked.

  Alfie nodded. "Werewolves is the correct term." He stepped closer to Theo. "Unlike other clans, we dont harm humans. So you can relax."

  Theo chuckled. "Kind of hard to relax when the air is this thick with tension." He shot.

  Alfie nodded, making an expression that read "fair enough" as he folded his arms. "Since you know our true forms, that means you will be under strict watch. Cant have you go blabbing our secret now can we?"

  Theo slowly stood up straight, looking back at his step brothers. "If I'm under strict watch, does that mean... Ezra and Austin will be glued to me?" He asked.

  Alfie laughed. "They are your step brothers. May as well have your family watch you."

  Someone Theo has yet to know, stepped forward, glaring at him. "Why not just lock him in the dungeon?" He said.

  Theo paled when others shot in with agreements. "He could tell our enemies where we are! How can you just give him a slap on the wrist and tell him not to blab our secret?" Shouted a girl in the back.

  "Silence!" Shouted Alfie. Everyone bit their tongue real quick. "He isnt a threat. At least not yet." He looked Theo in the eyes. "You are free to live your life, as long as one of them is by your side. Tell anyone and you wont see fresh air ever again. Have I made myself clear, Theodore?"

  Theo gulped, slowly shaking his head. "Loud and clear, sir."

  Alfie smiled. "Great. Then that makes you a part of the pack. Wherever Ezra and Austin go. You follow. That means pack meets." He said, walking around Theo and over to Ezra. "You can take him home now." He said before making his exit.

  Theo physically relaxed, grabbing his chest. Hes never felt so much tension in his life and now that he was able to breathe, he felt like a ton of bricks lifted from his chest. Ezra placed a hand on Theo's back, causing him to jump slightly.

  "That was surprising." Says Ezra. "Let's get you home."

  Theo straightened, looking up at Ezra who flashed a smirk at him. Ezra and Austin guided him through the sea of glaring people until they made it outside. They made their way to the car, getting in, Theo finally spoke.

  "I'm a grown teenager with babysitters." Theo groaned. "That's humiliating."

  Ezra laughed. "How do you think we feel?"

  "Like you will enjoy this." He snapped.

  Austin shrugged. "You seem to know us well. It's what you get for sticking your nose in other people's buisiness."

  Theo mocked Austin, folding his arms. "Yeah, I'll remember that next time."

  They remained quiet as Ezra backed out of the driveway and onto the road, making his way to the house. It was nighttime. Giving Theo the impression he was asleep for nearly the whole day. He crinkled his nose in disdain, knowing this was going to throw his sleeping schedule off.

  The whole ride back to the house was quiet and when they pulled into the driveway, Theo got out immediately. He ran for the door, opening it before shoving his way up to his room, slamming the door closed.

  He didnt bother to wait for anything else, instead he sat on his bed, thinking about all of the events today. Only thing that seemed to pop in his mind

  What's did his life hold in store for the future now that he was forever a captive against a secret?

  A/N: thank you for the love on this book. The votes mean a lot :D


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