The sweet smell

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Theo gasped awake, his body drenched in a cold sweat as he sat up from his bed. He gulped, bringing his knees up to his chest, running a hand through his hair. He heard footsteps coming up the stairs, causing him to hug his knees tighter. The door opened to reveal Austin, who was in the same outfit as before.

"Are you okay?" He asks, walking into the room.

Theo shook his head.

Austin walked over to Theo, turning he dipped the bed, as he sat. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks.

Theo gulped. "It was just another nightmare." He says.

Austin sighed. "You never used to get this many nightmares. Is it because Ezra isn't here?"

Theo shrugged, resting his head on his arms. "It could be. Or it can also be that I have been through a lot of trauma with this past week and a half alone." He explained.

  Austin understood. Looking over at the clock he saw it was only 3:34 in the morning. Theo followed his gaze, nearly collapsing when he read it. "This night is stretching on forever!" He complained, throwing his whole body back on the bed.

  Austin chuckled. "Yeah, but in two days Ezra will be back so you won't have to worry. Try to get some more rest." He explained.

  Theo nodded, turing over in the bed. Austin sucked in a breath, making his way back downstairs.

  When Theo fell asleep, he didnt wake again until roughly 1 in the afternoon. When he woke up, he felt rather refreshed, but something was off to him. His body felt incredibly hot and uncomfortable. He felt unreasonably sensative to the touch and to the covers. Throwing the blanket off, he shivered, feeling as if he had some pressure in his chest. Was he getting sick?

  He got out of bed, feeling a wave of dizziness hit him out of nowhere, causing him to stumble and fall flat on his butt, his back against the side of the bed while his hands gripped for the sheets. He heard footsteps coming up the stairs and when the door swung opened it revealed Austin in a new outfit and his hair slicked back.

  "Theo ar-" he didnt finish. When he took a step into the room, his whole demeanor changed. He shivered, quickly running out of the room and staying in the hall.

  Theo knitted his eyebrows. "Whats the matter?" He asks, his breath heavy.

  "I knew when I smelled it yesterday, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. Normally its a gradual thing." He explained.

  Theo gulped, trying to get himself back on the bed. "What do you mean?"

  Austin gulped, fishing for his phone. "You are close to heat, Theo. I need to get Ezra here and fast. Stay in this room and don't open it for anyone, you hear me?" Austin snapped.

  The nodded, watching Austin cover his mouth with his hoodie, stepping in, he locked the door, closing it behind him. Theo continued to try the bed, but eventually gave up. The pressure in his chest returning. Instead he curled into a ball on the floor, taking in deep, steamy breaths.

  Austin on the other hand shot downstairs, calling Ezra. Of course he didnt answer the first time nor the second but when he picked up on the third, he sounded annoyed and exhausted.

  "What is it Austin? I'm in the middle of an impor-" Austin cut him off.

  "Theo's in heat." Was all he could manage to say.

  The line went quiet with the occasional background noise on Ezra's end. "How sure are you?" He finally asks.

  Austin shook his head. "He could go into full heat within minutes. The smell is intense, Ez. You need to get down here ASAP. It may not be much now but it could grow painful." He explains.

  Austin heard shifting in the other end. "I'll quickly wrap things up here and be on my way by 5. I'll be back around midnight." He explained.

  "Hurry." Was all Austin said before hanging up. He just hopes Theo stays safe.

  *A couple hours later*

  It was 6 o'clock now, Theo was still on the floor but the thing that bothered him, was how hot everything was. His stomach caved in on itself with pain, missing soemthing he didnt know. His chest would flutter every 30 seconds, making his lower half throb. He couldnt seem to move from his spot, his whole body was painfully on fire. It hurt.

  He wanted to get on the bed where it was comfy but moving would entail more sensative throbs to move down his body.

  Theo heard a knock at the door, his whole body jolted. He felt the one thing he was dreading. His bottom half slowly growing erect. Just what he needed on top of this.

  "Theo, its Austin. I just wanted to let you know Ezra is on the way." He says through the door.

  Theo went to speak, but all that came out was a squeal as he rubbed his thighs together, squirming where he lied. With his erection now at full sail, it throbbed, hurting even more than his stomach and chest. The harder he gripped his stomach the more it seemed to hurt.

  "Theo?" Austin asked.

  "Dont!" Theo managed, feeling tears flow down his cheeks. "Dont... come in."

  Austin sighed. "I know its painful but when Ezra gets here he will know what to do. Just hang in there." He says.

  Theo heard the footsteps retreating down the stairs. Thats when Theo immediately went to trying to relieve some of the pain. Reaching his hand into his pants, he started masturbating, trying anything to relieve some of the pressure. It didnt seem to work. No matter how many times he tried, he just couldnt seem to relieve any pressure.

  He cuddled with a jacket on the ground, gripping it for dear life, allowing the painful throbs to overtake him. He couldnt seem to think straight and the longer he lied there, the more he just wanted to cry. He needed some form of release and at this point anything would've done.

  He sobbed into the jacket, shaking where he lied. All he wanted was Ezra. How long was he meant to suffer?

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