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It's been 2 weeks since Theo was brought back to the pack and so far, he has kept himself in bed for most of that time. He's only ever left his room to practice physical therapy but for the most part he stays in his room. Ezra has started to worry about him ever since the night terror he had two nights ago. He doesn't eat a lot nor does he say much after everything that has happened. He jumps at loud noises and flinches at sudden movements. Ezra knew it was a long road to recovery but he didnt expect this.

Today Theo was rolled up like a burrito with his medical boot and head the only thing sticking out of the blanket. His hands wrapped around his stomach, trying to calm whatever was making his stomach upset.

The bedroom door opened, but Theo didn't budge. "Theo? Are you awake?" It was Ezra.

The bed dipped with weight next to him, slowly he poked his head out to see Ezra smiling down at him. Ezra had a 5'oclock shadow that highlighted his jawline, his hair still wet from the rain outside and his outfit consisted of a black t-shirt and some blue jeans. He had on a gray jacket that was wet at the shoulders.

Ezra sighed. "Can you get dressed for me? I want to take you somewhere."

Theo moved his hands up and out of the blanket, unwrapping himself from the burrito he made. Slowly he slid up to rest on the headboard. "Where?" Theo asked.

Ezra grabbed Theo's hand, gripping tight as he smiled. "Its a secret. Will you leave the room for me?" He asked.

Theo felt a small cramp in his stomach, his hands immediately shooting up to rest on his stomach as he groaned.

"Whats wrong?" Ezra asked.

Theo looked down at his stomach. "Nothing. I think I just need to eat something." Theo lies, leaning up and placing a kiss on Ezra's cheek. "Let me shower and get dress. I'll be down in an hour."

"Let me help you." Ezra says, getting out of bed as Theo threw the blanket off of him.

Ezra appeared at Theo's side, offering his arm. Theo took it, standing on his own feet as he was helped into the bathroom. Ezra plopped him down on the toilet lid, reaching over to start the shower. Theo started stripping while Ezra grabbed a plastic bag and some wrap, turning to admire Theo's pale body.

Ezra walked out of the room, grabbing for the crutches and putting them on the counter. He turned to Theo.

"Want me to wrap the boot for you?" Ezra asked.

Theo nodded, watching Ezra take a knee and wrap the bag around Theo's leg. Suddenly he felt a wave of nausea hit him and he tried to keep it down as much as he could. Theo printed a soft smile as the gentle care hands of Ezra gingerly tucked and tied the bag. Once he was done, he leaned up and kissed Theo's forehead.

"I'll be downstairs." He whispers, walking out of the room.

Theo watched the door close before immediately turning to get on his knees, throwing up whatever had crept up in the sudden minutes. He groaned, rubbing his hand against his stomach.

Reaching up to flush, did so as he got up. He turned to the shower, quickly stepping in and taking a seat in the shower chair. He started washing himself The bruises he once got were now a yellow tint, no longer visible to the naked eye. His leg was still going to be on for a long enough time that he wasn't looking forward to.

Careful not to put much weight on his foot, he finished cleaning himself up, got dried and dressed. He made his way downstairs within the hour, spotting Ezra standing in the kitchen and Austin sitting on the barstool next to the island.

Theo came to a stop, next to the island, putting the crutches on the counter and taking a seat.

"Good to see you up and around." Austin says.

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