Alpha, Beta, Omega

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When Theo woke up, he felt groggy, immediately looking at the clock on his wall which read 8:47. Theo groaned, dropping his head back on the pillow, running a hand through his hair. His room was a bit dark despite the red and green light that bounced off the walls, making everything in his room visible. Theo gulped, looking over at his door, knitting his eyebrows together when he noticed it was cracked.

  He threw his blanket off, swinging his feet off the side of the bed, getting up. He made his way to the door, opening it wide. To his unsettling stomach, the house was quiet with the exception of the air conditioner. Theo made his way down the stairs, seeing that all the lights were off in the house, making his stomach drop.

  He could hear his heartbeat in his ears when he heard something drop in the livingroom. Quietly, he made his way to the livingroom, peaking his head in, he nearly had a heart attack when he saw Ezra making his way towards him.

  "Hey, Theo! How you feeling?" He asked, making Theo jump.

  Theo slapped a hand over his chest, letting out a sigh. "Jesus! You scared me!" He snapped. "Where the hell is everyone?"

  Ezra smirked, walking past him and into the kitchen. "Out. Austin went to the pack meeting, mom and Howard went out for a date night." He placed his plate into the sink, turning around to face Theo.

  Theo knitted his eyebrows, walking over to take a seat on the barstool. "So... you didnt go to the pack meeting?" Theo asked.

  Ezra shook his head. "Nope. Someone had to stay here and keep an eye on you." He said.

  Theo gulped, looking down at his hands. It's been a while since hes had someone other than his father to take a safety interest in him. Theo sent Ezra a smile. "Thank you for the concern." Theo whispered, wrapping his arms around himself.

  Ezra chuckled, peeling himself off of the counter to make his way to the island, leaning on it with his arms. He brought his face close to Theo, making his shoot his head back. Ezra saw some of the pain in Theo's eyes. Sighing he stepped back a bit.

  "If you dont mind me asking, how did this mysterious track boy treat you?" He asked.

  Theo immediately became uncomfortable, leaning back in the chair he averted his eyes to the coffee pot on the Island. "Well uh... his name is Jayson Scott and uhm... well at first he treated me so amazingly. He would act like I was the only person to matter, but then he got... violent." He gulped. "He uh... started preventing me from talking to my friends, grabbing me tightly and when we would uh... make out, he would bite me hard, causing me to bleed. When I would protest he would tell me this is what love was." Theo chuckled, shaking his head. "I believed it because I was young and naive."

  "What an abusive dick." Jokes Ezra.

  Theo nodded, a small smile on his face. "Yeah... it uh... he never did anything... forcefully sexual with me so I have that to be thankful for, but he did mentally and physically abuse me. When I found out what he was really doing courtesy of my dad, I broke up with him despite his protests. When i tried to walk out on him. That's when he beat me and put me in the hospital. My dad called the police while I was incapacitated." Theo sighed, shrugging. "After he was arrested things got better but I still havent been able to get into a relationship. I'm too afraid of what could happen." He finished.

  Ezra nodded, seeming to understand where Theo was coming from. "Because of my secret, it's hard to find love. I know what you mean by being too scared." He explained.

  Theo knitted his eyebrows together. "Do your kind have um.... what books and movies call soulmates?"

  Ezra snorted, shaking his head. "The only ones who are able to have those are Alpha's. I'm a Beta." He explained.

  Theo snorted again. "Are those terms for different classes or something?" He asked.

  Ezra nodded. "There are three level of what you can be. Alpha, Beta and Omega. Alpha's are the high class who are the only ones who can spark with their soulmate. It can happen the first time or the hundredth time they touch, but eventually they end up together. It's hard to deny the spark. Now a Beta is the second class, we tend to be much more respected and help the Alpha's a lot more. Some Beta's can read wrong though. I've seen a few who thought they were Beta's who are actually Alpha's." He explained, walking over to the fridge, he opened it, grabbed two soda's and placed them on the island. "Now Omega's I feel bad for. They are looked down upon in the werewolf world all because they have the lowest ranks. Our pack doesnt discriminate Omega's because they have feelings too. But other packs keep them as their own personal whores or punching bags. It's quite sad actually."

  Theo gulped, reaching for the soda, he opened it and took a long swig before coughing at the burning down his throat. "So uhm.... what are you and Austin?" He asked.

  Ezra smirked, taking a swig of his drink. "Well, I am a Beta, I already told you that and  Austin is an Alpha. Among the 8 that occupy our small pack. Alpha's are rare to find since they are natural born leaders. Once an Alpha finds his spark, they either leave to create their own pack or they take over the current Alpha's position. Most of the time its leaving." Ezra took another drink before clearing his throat. "Now that you are up, we should make our way to the pack house. I promised Austin when you woke up we would head over. Alfie wanted to talk to you about something."

  Theo let out a stiff nod, getting up off the barstool and made his way up to his room. Once he dressed somewhat appropriately, he made his way downstairs where Ezra stood, leaning against the wall by the door. Theo couldnt help but eye him. His muscles flexing out of his jacket from folding his arms, his black hair that was starting to show his brown roots and the way his jaw was set. Everything in Theo was telling him to melt towards him, but remember that he is his step-brother and not to mention most likely straight, Theo crushed his own dream.

  "Shall we go?" Theo asked, finally getting over the druling moment.

  Ezra nodded, peeling himself away from the wall, he reached down and opened the door for Theo. He thanked him and walked through.

  Whatever tonight had in store, Theo knew it wasnt going to be fun.

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