Manipulative Apology

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Theo stared at the school in front of him, getting a nervous pit in his stomach. Thankfully, Ezra and Austin had to stay back and talk to Alfie, so Theo was all alone today, which meant he could talk to his friends without Ezra and Austin being glued to him.

Looking over at the flagpole, his smile grew when he saw Em, Ty and Paul standing there. He rushed over to them and immediately Em looked horrified and worried. Theo didnt expect that.

"Oh my god, are you okay? I heard Jayson is back." Em said once he got into the circle. Theo paled a bit but tried to smile through it.

"I'm okay. I have you guys. I dont need to worry." He said.

Ty lifted a brow. "Like we were much help before."

Theo genuinely smiled. "Your presence is all I need. I've had a rough week. Being with you guys now is helping me." He explained.

Paul squinted suspiciously, stepping forward he grabbed both of Theo's shoulders. "What has happened, my man?" Paul asked.

Theo looked around, making sure no one from Alfie's pack was watching him. When he was certain, he bent in. "I know." He whispered.

Em immediately shot closer. "You know what?" She said, a bit harsh.

Theo just gave her a look instead of saying what he meant. Ty smiled. "About time. How?" He asked.

Theo snorted, watching Paul drop his hands. "I followed Ezra and Austin one night and it turns out they arent drug dealers." He jokes.

"Let me take a guess. They smelled or saw you and then took you to the pack. You got let off with a warning and now Ezra and Austin are glued to you. Is that why you havent been talking to us?" Em asked, folding her arms.

Theo nodded. "Pretty much, yeah."

"But they arent here today?" Questioned Paul.

"Alfie wanted to talk to them about soemthing important. Ezra and Austin told me many times to stay home, but I've missed too much school." Theo said.

Just then the bell rang, but Theo wasnt out of it yet. Em pointed a strict finger into his face with a serious expression. "We are going to talk about this later." He snapped, stomping off in the other direction.

Ty slapped Theo's back, startling him. "It wont be a horrible talk. Trust me." He smirked. "See ya at lunch!"

Theo waved bye, sighing as he made his way to his class. Entering the school, he felt eyes burning into his back, making him shiver uncomfortably. Theo looked back, trying to spot who was looking at him, but with the amount of people walking around it was hard. Instead of trying to figure it out. He ignored it, making his way to class.

His first two classes passed without incident, though he got more homework to add onto his stressful life. But it wasnt anything he couldnt handle. So he was thankful.

Making it to the lunchroom, he spotted the two people he didnt want to see have this lunch. Jayson and Wyatt.

Jayson stood near the corner of the vending machines, folding his arms he had his lips in a straight line. His hair was no longer short and brown, instead it was shaggy and black, which made the bags under his eyes pop at the porcelain skin. He looked much more buff than Theo remembered, giving him chills.

He watched as Jayson made his way over, but Theo was glued to his spot, unable to move due to fear. Thankfully though, Wyatt stayed in place.

"Hey, Little Firecracker." Jayson said his voice low yet innocent. Theo on the other hand flinched at the use of his nickname he hasn't heard for 2 years.

Theo didn't speak, making Jayson clear his throat. "Listen... I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for everything I put you through. Being in that place made me realize what an ass I was to you and I fucked up I know that. I mistreated you and had a lot on my plate. I know it will take a long time for you to forgive me, if you ever do, but can we... start out as friends again?" He asked.

Theo gulped. He wasnt expecting an apology nor was he expecting any of what came out of his mouth. Theo looked around, noticing a few stares shared between them. "I... it... it will take a long time. You hurt me a lot. I dont know if I'm ready to... be friends or anything." Theo spoke, unable to look at Jayson.

Jayson smiled. "Dont worry. Take your time. But I do want to be friends. I have changed. I even talked to Wyatt. Whatever he told you in the past wasnt true. I never wished harm on you again." He put his hand up, gripping Theo's cheek, who nearly had a panic attack thinking he was about to get slapped. "I wont ever do it again." He whispered.

Theo missed his comforting touch, but knew this was all going to lead down the same road. Shaking the hand off he finally took a step back. "I... I cant. I'm sorry." He whispered, tears starting to flood his waterline as he turned to run away. He ran outside, hyperventilating as he slid to his knees near the wall, thankful not much people were out here. He clutched his chest, not realizing how painful it felt, pounding against his rib cage.

"Theo?" Says a very familiar voice.

Theo looked up to see Ezra and Austin standing there with concern. That only made Theo explode into a sob. He covered his eyes, sobbing into his hands. He flinched when he felt arms around him.

"What happened?" It was Ezra.

Theo couldnt seem to form words. He wrapped his arms around Ezra, crying into his shoulder. Ezra didnt seem to mind, all he wanted to know was why Theo was crying.

When the bell rang, Theo still refused to move, but his crying had died down. He was enjoying the warm hug Ezra offered him. It felt complete being wrapped in his arms.

"Theo." Ezra whispered. "Do you want to go home? We have the car today."

Theo nodded, backing away from Ezra, wiping his face. He noticed Austin wasnt standing there anymore and the entire school yard was empty. It was darker than he remembered, but forgot a rainstorm was rolling in which would explain the dark blue clouds above them.

Ezra helped Theo up, walking him towards the car. When they got in, Ezra spoke. "What happened?" He asked.

Theo cleared his throat, but his voice still broke. "I uh... it was Jayson."

Ezra got defensive, grabbing for Theo's arm, causing Theo to flinch. "Did he hurt you? Touch you in any way?" He pressured.

Theo shook his head. "Uh... n-no. He actually apologized for all he did to me but... he called me the nickname I used to love hearing from his mouth... now it gave me chills." Theo started fingering the zipper on his jacket, fiddling with his hands.

"You know hes just trying to get close to you. Someone like that doesnt just get cured in juvenile detention. They probably get worse. Hes manipulating ya." Ezra explained, starting the car.

Theo nodded. "I know. It became clear when he caressed my cheek. If he was there to apologize for all he did, he never would have touched me without asking." Theo analyzed, putting his seat belt on.

"Perhaps you should ask Howard and my mom to keep you from school for a bit. I know it's not ideal, but it would help your sanity." Ezra shot, backing out of the school parking lot.

"I think I will." He turned to Ezra. "Would you want to uhm... go on a run with me? I need to clear my head."

Ezra smirked. "I'm not much of a runner, but sure. I know a good spot." He said. "First we stop at home."

Theo nodded. Finally he was going on a run and with Ezra of all people. Guess some nice bonding is in order, as step brothers.

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