The Truth Of The Ring

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When they arrived back at the Pack house, Theo and Ezra made their way to the cabin they currently share. Upon entering, Theo jumped when Austin appeared from the kitchen.

"So how did it go?" Austin asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Theo swallowed harshly, looking back at Ezra who closed the door and shook his head, pointing to his ears. "Not now. I'll tell you later. I need you to stay here and keep an eye on Theo. I have to go to a meeting with Yoland about the recent sighting of Defiants Pride." He turned to Theo. "Get some rest, we will discuss more tonight."

Theo smiled, reaching over to kiss Ezra. "I'll be waiting."

Theo turned and walked up the stairs to the bedroom. He took a shower, put his contacts in their solution and opted for his glasses before retiring to the bed feeling much more refreshed.

Sliding onto the bed, he rested his back against the head rest with one foot tucked close to his chest. Finally he was able to let his mind wander.


The word didn't even sound real now that he was living it. How was he even going to birth these twins? C section sounded most obvious, but still, everything just felt all too... surreal. He was human, everyone around him wasn't except his dad. But not even his dad would understand the situation Theo found himself in.

Sighing Theo reached into the drawer by the bed, opening it and grabbing the ring that started all this killing in the first place. Dangling from the leather string was the beautiful ancient ring that helped Defiants Pride choose their mates.

But theres one thing that Theo couldn't put his finger on and that was why is the ring worth killing for? He knows it's most likely an heirloom but that could be easily negotiable, but to go to war?

A knock on the door startled Theo and he dropped his hands to his lap. "Yeah?"

"Can I come in?" It was Austin.

"Of course, the doors unlocked." Theo responded, now sitting cross-legged on the bed.

Austin opened the door dressed in a black t-shirt and some white-washed gray pants. His silver hair was messy and in his face, making his eyebrows disappear behind his curly locks.

"I wanted to ask something." He closed the door, walking over to the bed and sitting down, leaning against the foot rest of the bed.

Theo gestured for him to continue.

"What happened today?" He asked.

Theo glanced down at his phone in the bed and reached for it. "It can't be said aloud. Not yet." He opened to a notepad, writing down everything that was discussed today in the doctor's office.

He looked up at Austin. "Not a word to anyone," he handed the phone to Austin. "This is an extremely confidential secret I'm sharing with you."

Austin nodded vigorously. "Got it. Lips are sealed Oh so serious master." Austin teased.

Theo rolled his eyes and handed the phone to him. While Austin read it, Theo looked down at the ring, a strong urge pulling him to try it on. Too tired to fight it, he shrugged sucking in a breath, he untied the string and pulled it out, placing the string on the desk before holding the ring in his hand. Without much debate in his own mind, he pulled it onto his fattest finger which happened to be his fourth finger on his left hand. Once it was on, Theo had to admit, it was absolutely gorgeous.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Snapped Austin, grabbing his full attention. "You're... really?! Ezra does understand the risk this poses, right?"

Theo nodded. "I think so but... I don't really understand it at all. Why is it so... catastrophic?" He asked.

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