A Heartfelt Chat

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Theo woke up to a pounding headache and an unpleasant stomachache. Groaning, he flipped over in the bed, facing the door that was still closed. By the way the window looked, it was nighttime and Theo groaned, bringing the blanket up to cover his head.

The door opened just then, and a familiar chuckle made him throw the blanket off his head. His dad, dressed in his usual business suit walked over with a soft smile on his face.

"You're awake, that's good." He sat on the edge of the bed, prompting Theo to sit up with the blanket resting on his lap.

"How long was I out?" Theo asked, rubbing his eyes of the groggy sleep.

"About a day. We had Dr. Hall make a house call last night but she just told us that your first transformation that you willingly exhausted you." He explained.

Theo brought his hands up to rub his face, groaning at his stomach. "I'm sorry, dad." Theo grumbled.

His Dad chuckled. "Why are you apologizing?"

Theo looked over at him, seeing the innocent look in his eyes. They've never really sat down and talked about the recent events all because Theo had been so preoccupied. He didn't really know how his dad was taking all of this.

"Is it about what's been going on?" His Dad asked, turning towards him so that his right leg rested on the bed.

Theo nodded. "I know you fell in love, but to have all this happen when they moved in? It... well kind of feels like my fault that everything went downhill so fast. Not to mention I'm... a man who is pregnant." Theo says, bringing his knees up to his chest.

Howard sighed, reaching over to run his hand through Theo's hair. "To be honest, I was a bit disoriented at first. But I knew there was something about Mj that she had to hide when I first met her. Especially because she was so secretive. But when Austin told me everything and I managed to get into the pack, it was all made clear. Not to mention you seem happy. Yes there are challenges, and yes, I am... unclear of how I feel about my son suddenly developing a womb, but you are happy. Especially after your mother's neglect, and the incident, you seemed lost for the longest time. Now, you seem to have found your way. Challenges are expected, but so far, you have overcome them. So never apologize to me about this outcome."

Theo felt tears prick at his waterline, but with his hormones, he couldn't seem to hide them. Theo crawled over to his dad, hugging him tight. His dad hugged him back, tighter, almost as if they were going to disappear.

"I love you, dad." Theo choked out.

"I love you too, sport." They stayed that way until Theo felt comfortable letting go. His stomach was no longer upset but his head still hurt.

They broke apart and Theo wiped away his tears. "Where is Ezra?" Theo asked.

His Dad wiped away whatever tears he had shed and cleared his throat. "He's not here. He went to bloodrose with Lisbeth and MJ. Austin is downstairs sleeping on the couch."

Theo nodded. "Are you going on a business trip?" He asked.

His Dad nodded, a sad look in his eyes. "I am, but It'll be a long one. I have to go to South Korea to finish an international deal for our company. I'll be there for 3 weeks. Once I'm back, I'm off work for the next 3 months." He explained, getting up off the bed and fixing his suit. "I needed to say goodbye before I left, so I'm glad you were awake."

Theo smiled softly. "I'm sure we will be fine while you are away, dad." Theo reassured him with a pat to his dad's forearm.

His Dad chuckled. "I'm sure you will be, Sport. Make sure you check in daily."

Theo nodded. "I will," he shooed his dad. "Now go before you miss your flight."

His Dad leaned down and kissed Theo on the forehead before turning and walking out of the room. When the door closed, Theo deflated against the bed, looking up at the cieling.

He rested his hands against his stomach, before realizing that he had a small bump now. Theo immediately threw the blanket off and got up from the bed, running towards the bathroom, barreling into the door as he pulled his shirt off and looked in the mirror. To his surprise, he now had a noticeable bump on his stomach, making this whole situation that much more real.

"Theo?" Came a groggy voice. "Did you throw up again?"

Theo peaked his head out of the bathroom, spotting Austin with his hair wild and his eyes wide. It took Theo a moment to realize that Austin most likely heard him running across the floor and open the bathroom door.

Theo smiled. "No, but come here!" Theo shouted, excitedly.

Austin seemed to relax a bit, walking over to Theo who grabbed his forearm and placed it onto his stomach. Austin seemed a bit weirded out by this, but when he felt the bump, he realized what Theo was communicating.

"Oh, you are starting to show! That's amazing, Theo!" Austin commented, excitement replacing his worry. "Can't wait for Ezra to see."

"I know!" Theo squealed. "I've heard the bump appears like this almost out of the blue but seeing it is another thing."

Austin pulled his hand away, folding his arms across his chest. "Have you guys thought of names yet?"

Theo shook his head. "No. Honestly that hasn't been a topic we have had time to discuss."

Austin shook his head. "You guys need a vacation from leading. By the time the kids arrive you'll already be burnt out." Austin commented.

Theo nodded, reaching down and grabbing his shirt, putting it back on. "Ezra has already said that, but with all that is going on, we can't leave."

Austin sighed, walking out of the bathroom with Theo behind him. Together they went down into the kitchen, both of them grabbing a bottle of water before sitting down at the table.

"Speaking of things that are going on, we finally got Reid to talk, but he's hellbent on talking to you alone so Ezra scratched him off as a lost cause." Austin explained, taking a drink of his water.

Theo knitted his eyebrows, leaning closer to Austin. "He wants to talk to me? Why?"

Austin snickered, shrugging. "Beats me."

Theo plopped back against the chair, thinking about this. He knows Ezra would never let him be alone with Reid, but if it got some answers, he needed to do it. Ezra wouldn't approve and Theo knows it will lead to a fight, but he had to do something. He can't be a damsel for the rest of his life while in this pack.

Confident in his decision, Theo straightened his posture and slammed the table with his hand, startling Austin. "Take me to him." He demanded.

"Not a chance, short stack." Austin snapped back quicker than Theo expected.

"I wasn't asking, I was demanding." Theo growled back.

"Ezra would kill me if I went behind his orders." Austin folded his arms, leaning forward with his elbows resting on the table. "I'm not doing it."

Theo scoffed. "I'm a leader too, shouldn't I be able to overrule Ezra's orders?!" Theo was angry now, and he stood up from the table in an angry huff. "I'm an Alpha of this pack and I carry the future leaders within me, Austin. Shouldn't I be able to have some say in what I do?"

Austin's eyebrows shot up in surprise as well as glee. He looked almost excited about Theo's explosive reaction.

"Damn, okay. I can tell when I've lost the argument," he stood from the table and nodded towards the bedroom. "Go get dressed, we leave in 15."

Theo felt an overwhelming surge of happiness and pride flow through him. Finally he was finding his voice. It took a long time to get here, but he was going to run this pack like a leader instead of a bystander.

A/N: sorry for the long wait, y'all! Life is getting in the way! But here's the newest chapter! It'll pick up with a bumpy but amazing way in the next few chapters so be prepared to be on the edge of your seats!

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