An Unexpected Twist

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Theo met Austin by the front door wearing nothing but jeans and a hoodie with shoes but no socks. He wanted to get this over with as fast as they could. Austin didn't seem too happy about this, but Theo felt like he had all the power in the world, and it felt thrilling.

As they walked to the main pack house, Theo took note that the ground was much quieter than normal. Most of the night owls that stayed up were nowhere to be seen, and Theo couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy with that information.

"Where is everyone?" He asked in a low whisper.

"They are all inside due to a curfew that Ezra put into place last night. With so much going on, he wants to make sure they are safe." Austin explains.

Theo chuckled. "Figures he'd take severe cauti..." Theo faltered, freezing in his steps. A smell that he didn't recognize and the heavy scent of blood made Theo want to throw up.

"What's wrong?" Austin asked.

Theo pointed to the outlier of the woods, just out of sight. "There's an unknown scent mixed with blood." Theo whimpered.

Austin whipped his head around, taking in a deep sniff. He glared at the scent, wrapping a hand around Theo. "It's not one of us. We should get you back inside."

"Help me!" Screamed a terrified, tired voice of a man. He sounded distraught, and something pulled at Theo's chest, hearing such desperation.

"We should go see if they need help." Theo pressured, pushing past Austin's arms.

"No, it could be a trap!" Austin reached over and grabbed Theo's arm, bringing him back.

"But what if it isn't? We can't let someone die." Theo pleaded.

Austin looked between the forest and Theo before groaning loudly. "Fine, but I'm going first." He stepped in front of Theo, keeping him behind as he walked towards the forest. "Ezra is going to murder me." He mumbled under his breath.

"Is someone... is someone there?" Croaked out the same voice, this time Theo could tell they were crying. Austin picked up his pace, pulling out his phone and flipping on his flashlight. He stepped over a fallen log and ducked under a tree but froze immediately after. Theo ducked under, walking around Austin and gasped at what he saw.

A boy about the same age as them, with long curly black hair, bright yellow eyes, and blood soaking the back of his white shirt. He was collapsed against the floor, his whole side muddy and scratched as if he had been crawling for a long time. He had bags under his eyes accompanied by the swollen redness from crying. He didn't look like a threat, at least not to him.

"Are you okay?" Theo asked, getting to his knees and slowly grabbing a hold of the boys shoulders, but the boy violently slapped Theo, knocking him to the ground with a yelp of surprise.

"Hey! We came to help you! There's no need to be violent." Austin growled, bending down to check on Theo.

Theo shook his head. "It's okay. It's a natural reaction to pain." Theo got to his knees again and cleared his throat. "My name is Theo. Do you know where you are?"

The boy's eyes widened, and he nearly broke down. "So I made it? I made it to Lighthide?" He asked.

"Tell us your name." Austin cut in.

"M-my name is Mathew. Im... I used to be with Gilbert's pack, but... I refused to do something, and he... hurt me, so I ran away." He mumbled out. "My back is shredded from his wolf claws." He explained.

Austin nodded. "So you aren't linked with them anymore?" He asked.

He shook his head. "No. I'm not."

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