Facing The Pack

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The door to the bathroom opened and Ezra was next to Theo in a heartbeat. Theo turned to him paler than normal. "What's wrong?" Ezra asked.

  Theo pointed to his face. "My... my appearance?!" He yelled.

  Ezra bit his top lip, the realization hitting him. "Oh uhm... well your wolf form can change your appearance," he grabbed a hold of Theo's hands smiling. "But you're still the same, just... with different colors."

  Theo deflated. Everything that has happened has sucked all the energy from his body. His whole life flipped more than when he found out about Ezra. Theo sighed, rubbing his palms into his face.

  "I'm... I need to shower." He saidside-eyeingng Ezra. "Can you grab me some clothes and put it on the bed?"

  Ezra smiled, but Theo could tell ididn'tnt reach his eyes. Ezra bent down to kiss Theo on the forehead, his breath tickling the hair on his head. "Of course." Ezra then closed the door, leaving Theo alone.

  Theo saw the steam of the shower, looking inviting. He stepped into the shower, feeling the nice water pelt his skin.

  Tears sprang to his eyes, as he leaned against the shower wall, sliding down to sit on his butt, his knees clutched close to his chest.

  Finally alone and able to think, he was overwhelmed. Everything was changing and Theo couldn't see any bright side to this right now except for his children and Ezra. How is he supposed to adapt to now being a werewolf? He was happy being human with Ezra but now? What if this changes his feelings? What if he gets a Spark and loses Ezra's love? What about his dad? Other packs?

  Theo let out a sob, running his hands through his hair, and resting his forehead on his knees. He just... he couldn't wrap his head around it. He was physically and mentally exhausted and he hated it.

  After 30 minutes in the shower, Theo came out and dressed in the clothes Ezra laid out for him. Theo then retired to sleep.

  After about 2 hours of sleep, Theo awakened with the sudden urge to vomit and his stomach tightened. Theo slapped a hand over his mouth, threw the blanket off, and ran for the bathroom.

  "Theo?" Came a groggy voice.

  Theo opened the toilet just as he gagged whatever food or water was in his stomach. Within seconds he felt hands rubbing between his shoulder blades. "That's it, just let it out." Ezra's hand appeared into view, clasping his hand tightly.

  Satisfied nothing else was coming, Theo flushed the toilet, landing into Ezra's hold, his head cradled to his chest. "I hate this." He mumbled out in the most pathetic voice he could muster.

  Theo felt Ezra's chest reverberate with a laugh as his hand rubbed Theo's hair. "I know, honey."

  Theo's eyes flew open and his chest fluttered at the endearing term. He sat up, looking over at Ezra who was smiling.

  "Honey?" Theo asked, a bit of surprised flirtatiousness to his voice.

  Ezra shrugged. "I thought it was an appropriate term to use considering we are dating."

  Theo smiled. A genuine smile that hasn't been on his face in a while. It made Ezra's heartache. He opened his arms for Theo, who happily accepted them.

  "We need pet names," Theo murmured. "Since we are wolf mates after all." Theo chuckled, pleased at himself when Ezra let out a loud groan.

  "That was the cheesiest cheese you could've said to a werewolf." Ezra rested his chin on Theo's head, rubbing his thumb over Theo's elbow.

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