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Ezra sat on the steps of the basement, going over what was discussed with Juan. From what was said, Theo was permanently changed from the ring. He's one of them now. Only difference? He's weaker. Much weaker. According to the information Juan had given them, Theo can only transform a handful of times within 2 weeks. Over-exerting himself leads to periods of sickness. He's also much more susceptible to rougher heats which causes an absurd amount of pain.

The only upside of this whole ordeal is that no matter what, Theo was a werewolf. Not nearly as fragile as a human anymore, which also means he can heal faster. Ezra just wished it wasn't forced on him like this just because he tried on some stupid ring.

A low growl caught his attention. He knew Theo had stopped screaming hours ago and resorted to whimpering. A growl was a whole different ball game. Grabbing the railing with his right hand, he hoisted himself up to his feet. Slowly he walked around the corner of the wooden panel, peaking into the room to see a massive wolf. Pure black fur with patches of white near his left eye which was now blue; the white fur on both his right paws was also extraordinarily beautiful in contrast.

Fully in the room, he caught the wolf's eye and as expected, the wolf immediately bent into a protective stance. Ezra held his hands up against his chest, palms out.

"Theo, it's me, Ezra." He whispered. Stepping closer, pulling a growl from Theo.

"Theo, I know what you're going through. Your wolf is all sorts of disoriented and you don't recognize my scent yet. Just breathe." He offered a hand for Theo to sniff, but instead, Theo bared his teeth, stepping back from Ezra.

It was then Ezra remembered. Theo is pregnant and now everything is heightened for the first few months until everything settles. He's going to be cautious and feel backed into a corner. Trying a different approach, Ezra took a step back.

"Theo look at me," Theo raised his head, the wolf's eyes staring into his. "I know you're scared because you don't know what's going on. Trust me, I get it. When I first turned at 10, it was the scariest thing to ever happen and because of it, I bit my mom on the leg. It's terrifying to first turn, but you can find your way through. I believe you can." He stepped closer again and this time, Theo mirrored him.

Theo let out a low pur, lying down on the giant bean bag they had down there. Theo hesitated at first, but closed the distance between them. Ezra bent to his knees, reaching over to pet Theo's ears.

"You're so beautiful in human or werewolf form." He whispered.

Theo brought his head closer, sticking his tongue out to lick Ezra's cheek. Ezra laughed. "Well if you want a proper kiss, you can change into a human." He teased.

Theo lifted his head, his ears perked at the stairs. The door opened from the top and steps started coming down. "Ezra, Is Theo still okay?" It was Austin.

"Yeah, he's down here," Ezra called back.

Austin peaked his head from around the corner, his nose still bruised from the incident but was no longer broken. "Oh, he's fully changed? Don't you look... menacing." He mused, walking over to them. "But you need to change into your human form. Somehow you having twins is spreading through the pack and things are getting crazy."

Ezra acknowledged his brother's words, turning to look at Theo. "In order to change, you have to stand up and will your body to change. It may take a minute. I need to go calm everyone down." He turned to Austin as he got up. "Stay with him. Once he's turned, bring him to the pack house."

Ezra went to go up the stairs, but something grabbed his shirt, stopping him. Ezra turned to Theo grabbing his shirt with his snout.

"I don't think you're allowed to leave." Austin mused.

His Step-brothers Are Wolves? [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now