Boredom With A Side Of Meeting

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The thought of staying home meant everything but to actually do it was torture. He grew bored within the first 3 hours of staying home while his dad and stepmom went to work and his stepbrothers went to school. He was all alone and that made him bored. Video games, reading, and movies were enough to make him last 3 hours before succumbing to boredom. The rest of the day he continued to watch and rewatch youtube videos, until Ezra and Austin showed up from school, both of them looking beat.

Theo immediately shot off the couch, running into the kitchen. "Save me!" Theo shouted.

Austin slowly set his bag on the table, lifting a brow. "Frooom?"

"Boredom." Theo groaned, plopping into the chair.

Ezra chuckled. "Well it's about to get exciting. Go get dressed, we have the meeting to attend to." He says.

Theo obliged, skipping up the stairs. He stripped out of his current clothes, throwing on some gray pants and a hoodie. Very simple which he liked. Making his way down the stairs he spotted Ezra and Austin standing by the door.

Ezra opened the door and waited for them to go through. Theo did, staying close to Austin, looking around for any sign of Jayson. So far, the coast was clear. Theo sat in the back, looking out the window. Ezra hopped into the driver's seat, immediately starting the car. Theo continued to stare out the window, watching as the houses around him slowly faded to the deserted road leading to the pack house.

When they pulled up, Theo got a bad feeling in his stomach. He couldnt tell if it was being here or something else, but it nagged at him. He gulped, slowly getting out. He stuck close to his stepbrothers as they entered the very cluttered pack house. Everyone was there and having all the eyes on him made him uncomfortable. Ezra and Austin made it to the front with Theo right behind.

Theo could feel the glares on him without even looking at the room. He kept his head down, hiding behind Ezra and Austin.

Alfie stepped forward. "I have called this meeting because Defiants Pride has entered our territory yesterday morning."

Once Alfie said that, the room erupted into chatter, most of them, from what Theo could gather, murmured about a war. Alfie cleared his throat, reigning their attention back to him.

"They are after the Sacred Pack ring." He explained.

"The Sacred Pack Ring?! We dont have that old relic!" Shouted someone from the back.

Alfie nodded. "We do. They murdered my son. My very own blood, not to mention your future leader. I had Claridge steal the ring for me. I never intended to start a war." He said.

"Where is it now?" Asked a man.

Alfie smiled. "Where it needs to be. Safely hidden away with our very own Human. Theo." He pointed to Theo who shrunk away from the stares.

"Why would you give it to an outsider?!"

"Yeah! Why not one of your fellow Alphas or even an Omega! Why a human?"

The amount of hate in the room made Theo gulp. He was starting to feel like an outsider even though he wished he could be more in this pack.

"Theo is the best person for this job. All of you are werewolves, Theo is a human. His scent is masking the ring." He snapped.

"Then how did they know we have it?" Shouted a girl.

"My assumption? They followed it to the general direction and when Theo put it on it cut them off. They knew our area because we are the only known pack in this area."

"So what are we going to do? Hes just a human. What if they plan to kidnap him? Or attack?" Asked a man in the front.

"That is a problem which means it's probably safer if Theo stays at the pack house." Alfie said, turning to face Ezra and Austin. "What do you think?"

"I dont think so. They dont know about his involvement yet. That hes the mask of the ring. If we keep him hidden they will never know that it was us if they never find it. He'll remain at home." Ezra says.

Theo couldnt seem to wrap his head around this. All of the fighting between two packs was down to him and the ring. Just why was this ring so important to the fact they would go as far as war? What if they capture him and torture him? Was he really prepared to go down this unknown world?

"That's wise. I'm glad I asked. We will keep a protective detail around the house. They will be hidden but close." Alfie explained. "We need to prepare for an attack. They are known to attack first and ask questions later." He turned to Theo. "You will remain at home. If anything happens, I want you to sound this whistle. It alerts any of Lighthide in the area." He explained, handing him a very thin red whistle with gold carvings.

Theo held it close, nodding. "I will."

Alfie slapped Theo in the arm, turning back to the pack. "Meeting dismissed. Details and others will be discussed soon." He explained.

Everyone dispersed, some of them going to different rooms while others went out the front door. Theo sighed, shoving the whistle into his pocket, looking over at Ezra and Austin who were talking with Alfie in the kitchen.

Theo glanced at the ring around his neck. All this fuss over something like this? Theo couldnt believe it. He sighed, making his way over to the front door, stepping out into the slowly setting sun. He shoved the ring in his shirt, making sure to keep it hidden.

Once his stepbrothers were done talking, they made their way home. All that was on Theo's mind was how much things have changed since his dad brought them home. What a life.

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