Em's Surprise

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With the words that Dr. Hall had said, swirling around in his head. He couldn't seem to focus on anything else for the entirety of the visit. All he knows is he got some pills for a whole 6 months and if anything happened to contact her. Theo didn't even pay attention to the side effects, but with how worried Ezra looked, it wasn't good.

On their way back to the pack house, Theo stared out the window with little to no emotion. He could quite place why he didn't feel anything but being a burden yet again. He hated feeling so useless lately, and now he can't tell if all this feeling is because of him or his newly discovered Alpha designation. It was all so confusing, and Theo felt like he was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"We're here. Do you want to take the pill at the main house or our cabin?" Ezra asked.

Theo slowly turned to see a stack of 5 metal sheet pills tucked snuggly into plastic. He slowly grabbed for the pills and opened the door.

"I'm going to the cabin. I just... need some time alone." He said, getting out and closing the door. He could tell by the way Ezra called after him that he had hurt his feelings a bit, but Theo knew Ezra would give him his space.

He ran to the cabin, not stopping to talk to anyone. Once at the door, he opened it and closed it, finally alone to himself. Knowing no one was there seemed to set him off.

Theo felt a lump form in his throat, choking a sob out of him as he placed his forehead to the door, tears springing from his eyes. He couldn't help the sobs that escaped him. Everything finally came at him, and he fell to his knees, still holding onto the door handle.

Theo couldn't seem to stop crying. No matter what he did, the tears never stopped. What was he supposed to do?

The door knob twisted in his hands and opened before Theo had a chance to react. He fell to his butt, letting go of the door knob.

"Theo, what's the matter?" It was Ezra.

He felt hands wrap around him, pulling him into a hug. Theo heard the door close again, and it occurred to Theo that they were now sitting on the floor in front of the door. It was almost comical the way it all happened that it made him chuckle through the tears.

"I'm just... stressed. Everything has just been getting worse, and I hate it. What happened to being stupid high school kids gathering in a circle talking shit? I would.. and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss when my only worry was when Jayson was going to pop back into my life. Not... not all this." Theo wiped the tears away with the sleeve of his black hoodie.

Ezra rested his chin on top of Theo's head, looking out into their dark cabin. He knows exactly what Theo was going through because he felt the same. He hated this feeling of always looking over their shoulder and the bad news after bad news. It dragged them down. Archie really left them with so much baggage in such a short time that it didn't even feel like they were teenagers anymore. Ezra felt like a 26 year old man with the amount of pressure on his shoulders, and Theo most likely felt the same. It's exhausting.

"We really need to get away from all this." Ezra laughed pathetically. "I think all this Pack stuff is getting to us."

Theo nodded. "A vacation would be nice, but we can't exactly go anywhere right now." Theo grumbled.

Ezra shrugged. "I mean, we can. Austin is busy trying to snuff out the traitor by feeding people false information. Howard and my mom are busy helping Em and Ty with their packs new arrangements on the outskirts of the main house. We don't really have a lot going on that really involves us being here at least for 2 nights."

Theo shook his head, scooting out of Ezra's hold so that he was face to face with him. Theo grabbed Ezra's hands, smiling softly through the drying tears. "We need to be here. At least until we figure out the Gilbert situation. How about we plan for a trip in November, close to Thanksgiving."

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