Attack In The Night

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Night time came, but no fighting followed. At least not that Theo was aware of. He sat in the livingroom, playing on his phone. Ezra was currently talking with Alfie, leaving him alone. Theo was fine with it since they weren't doing anything at the moment.

  He slowly got comfortable in the couch, lying down. It was midnight and he was growing tired, but he was too afraid to sleep. It was mixed feelings. About another 20 minutes passed and Theo heard the door shove open, startling him. He turned to the door, seeing Ezra looking serious.

  Theo sat up, putting his phone on the couch. "What's wrong?" Theo asked.

  Ezra quickly made his way over to Theo, grabbing his arm. "The scouts spotted them. So I'm going to lock you in the basement." He said, dragging Theo to the basement.

  Theo gulped. "Your saying.... they are attacking now? What about you?" Theo asked.

  "I'm a werewolf. You're a human. Dont worry, a wolf cant get through this door. Its covered in wolfsbane." He said, shoving Theo into the basement. He leaned down and kissed Theo on the forehead, giving Theo an empty feeling In his chest. "I'll be back. Stay put." He said, closing the door, before locking it.

  Theo stared at the door, feeling uneasy about the attack. He knew it was the spark wanting him protected but he couldnt help feeling useless. He wanted to help fight but it didnt look like that was happening anytime soon. This attack really came out of nowhere and that startled him.

  Theo sighed, walking down the stairs, he sat on a dusty old table, sitting in the silence. He lost himself in his mind, taking in everything. Everything changed, that was inevitable, but the fact that it changed this drastically scared him.

  Just what was the plan they had in mind? Attack and find the ring? Was it even still hidden if he smelled like a wolf?

  His question was answered when the glass behind him blasted opened causing him to scream and drop down from the table, falling onto some of the glass, cutting his arm. He quickly regained himself, rushing under the table.

  When he was, he spotted 2 people standing by the broken glass, both of them he didn't recognize. He quickly covered his mouth, trying to get his heart to slow.

  "I can sense it around here. Are you sure it wasn't upstairs, Juan?" Asked the lighter skinned person.

  "Its here. Keep your eyes op-" he paused, his nose turning up as he took a big sniff of the air. Theo paled when Juan smiled. "I can smell blood." He said.

  The other one smirked, looking over at the table. Theo knew he was caught. He didn't have time to react when one of them jogged over, grabbing a fistful of Theo's hair, dragging him out from the table. Theo screamed, kicking whoever had grabbed him in the stomach. Not bothering to see which one it was he stumbled to his feet and took off upstairs, ignoring the millions of tiny cuts on his body from being dragged across the floor.

  "Get back here, fucker!" Shouted one of them. Theo continued, making it up the stairs, he rammed the door, knowing it was locked. He fell to the floor, looking back at the basement he spotted Juan running up the stairs.

  He scooted towards the door, using his legs power he slammed the door, smashing it against his skin. Theo smiled when he heard the scream of pain from the wolfsbain. Quickly he wasted no time. He shot up to his feet, running for the front door, he shoved it opened and was met with a horror show.

  Wolves of different colors were fighting in the yard, tearing at each other's coats. He couldn't tell who was who and the amount of blood spilling onto the dirt made his stomach flip.

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